Important Safety Instructions; Legal Disclaimer - Behringer EUROLIVE WB215 Guia De Inicio Rapido

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EUROLIVE WB215/WB215-WH/WB212/WB212-WH/WB210/WB210-WH/WB208/WB208-WH
Important Safety
Important Safety

Legal Disclaimer

Technical specifi cations and appearance are subject to change without
notice. The information contained herein is correct at the time of printing.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. MUSIC Group
accepts no liability for any loss which may be suff ered by any person
Assembly should be carried out by
who relies either wholly or in part upon any description, photograph or
statement contained herein. Colors and specifi cations may vary slightly from
qualifi ed personnel only. Wrong assembly
product. BEHRINGER products are sold through authorized dealers only.
can lead to personal injury or damage. Screws or other
Distributors and dealers are not agents of MUSIC Group and have absolutely
fasteners are not included. Choose screws or fasteners
no authority to bind MUSIC Group by any express or implied undertaking
or representation. This manual is copyrighted. No part of this manual may
suited to the material in your mounting surface;
be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
make sure your screws and fasteners have suffi cient
mechanical, including photocopying and recording of any kind, for any
holding power. If you are uncertain, contact your local
purpose, without the express written permission of MUSIC Group IP Ltd.
specialized retailer.
© 2011 MUSIC Group IP Ltd.
Trident Chambers, Wickhams Cay, P.O. Box 146,
This appliance has been designed for
Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands
potential injury from falling equipment, DO NOT attempt
Limited Warranty
to mount your speaker cabinet horizontally.
§ 1 Warranty
The operation of your speaker cabinet as part of a
(1) This limited warranty is valid only if you purchased
fl own system, if installed incorrectly and improperly,
the product from a BEHRINGER authorized dealer in the
can potentially expose persons to serious health risks and
country of purchase. A list of authorized dealers can be
even death. In addition, please ensure that electrical,
found on BEHRINGER' s website behringer. com under
mechanical and acoustic considerations are discussed
"Where to Buy", or you can contact the BEHRINGER offi ce
with qualifi ed and certifi ed (by local, state or national
closest to you.
authorities) personnel prior to any installation or fl ying.
(2) MUSIC Group* warrants the mechanical and
Make sure that speaker cabinets are set up and "fl own"
electronic components of this product to be free of defects
by qualifi ed and certifi ed personnel only, using dedicated
in material and workmanship if used under normal
equipment and original parts and components delivered
operating conditions for a period of one (1) year from
with the unit. If any parts or components are missing
the original date of purchase (see the Limited Warranty
please contact your Dealer before attempting to set up
terms in § 4 below), unless a longer minimum warranty
the system.
period is mandated by applicable local laws. If the product
shows any defects within the specifi ed warranty period
Be sure to observe the local, state and other
and that defect is not excluded under § 4, MUSIC Group
safety regulations applicable in your country.
shall, at its discretion, either replace or repair the product
We (MUSIC Group Macao Commercial Off shore Limited
using suitable new or reconditioned product or parts.
including the MUSIC Group companies listed elsewhere
In case MUSIC Group decides to replace the entire product,
in these instructions) assume no liability for any
this limited warranty shall apply to the replacement
damage or personal injury resulting from improper use,
product for the remaining initial warranty period, i.e.,
installation or operation of the product! Regular checks
one (1) year (or otherwise applicable minimum warranty
must be conducted by qualifi ed personnel to ensure that
period) from the date of purchase of the original product.
the system remains in a secure and stable condition.
Make sure that, where the speaker is fl own, the area
(3) Upon validation of the warranty claim, the repaired
underneath the speaker is free of human traffi c. Do not
or replacement product will be returned to the user freight
fl y the speaker in areas which can be entered or used by
prepaid by MUSIC Group.
members of the public.
(4) Warranty claims other than those indicated above
are expressly excluded.
Speakers create a magnetic fi eld, even if not in operation.
Therefore, please keep all materials which can be aff ected
by such fi elds (discs, computers, monitors, etc.) at a
safe distance. A safe distance is usually between 1 and
2 meters.
§ 2 Online registration
Please do remember to register your new BEHRINGER
equipment right after your purchase at behringer. com
under "Support" and kindly read the terms and conditions
of our limited warranty carefully. Registering your
purchase and equipment with us helps us process
your repair claims quicker and more effi ciently.
Thank you for your cooperation!
§ 3 Return materials authorization
(1) To obtain warranty service, please contact the
retailer from whom the equipment was purchased.
Should your BEHRINGER dealer not be located in your
vicinity, you may contact the BEHRINGER distributor for
your country listed under "Support" at behringer. com.
If your country is not listed, please check if your problem
can be dealt with by our "Online Support" which may
also be found under "Support" at behringer. com.
Alternatively, please submit an online warranty claim at
behringer. com BEFORE returning the product. All inquiries
must be accompanied by a description of the problem
and the serial number of the product. After verifying
the product' s warranty eligibility with the original sales
receipt, MUSIC Group will then issue a Return Materials
Authorization ("RMA") number.
(2) Subsequently, the product must be returned in
its original shipping carton, together with the return
authorization number to the address indicated by
MUSIC Group.
(3) Shipments without freight prepaid will not
be accepted.
§ 4 Warranty Exclusions
(1) This limited warranty does not cover consumable
parts including, but not limited to, fuses and batteries.
Where applicable, MUSIC Group warrants the valves or
meters contained in the product to be free from defects in
material and workmanship for a period of ninety (90) days
from date of purchase.
(2) This limited warranty does not cover the product
if it has been electronically or mechanically modifi ed
in any way. If the product needs to be modifi ed or
adapted in order to comply with applicable technical
or safety standards on a national or local level, in any
country which is not the country for which the product
was originally developed and manufactured, this
modifi cation/adaptation shall not be considered a defect
in materials or workmanship. This limited warranty does
not cover any such modifi cation/adaptation, regardless
of whether it was carried out properly or not. Under the
terms of this limited warranty, MUSIC Group shall not
be held responsible for any cost resulting from such a
modifi cation/adaptation.
(3) This limited warranty covers only the product
hardware. It does not cover technical assistance for
hardware or software usage and it does not cover
any software products whether or not contained in
the product. Any such software is provided "AS IS"
unless expressly provided for in any enclosed software
limited warranty.
(4) This limited warranty is invalid if the factory-
applied serial number has been altered or removed from
the product.
(5) Free inspections and maintenance/repair work
are expressly excluded from this limited warranty, in
particular, if caused by improper handling of the product
by the user. This also applies to defects caused by normal
wear and tear, in particular, of faders, crossfaders,
potentiometers, keys/buttons, guitar strings, illuminants
and similar parts.
(6) Damage/defects caused by the following conditions
§ 8 Other warranty rights and
are not covered by this limited warranty:
national law
• improper handling, neglect or failure to operate the
(1) This limited warranty does not exclude or limit the
unit in compliance with the instructions given in
buyer' s statutory rights as a consumer in any way.
BEHRINGER user or service manuals;
(2) The limited warranty regulations mentioned herein
• connection or operation of the unit in any way
are applicable unless they constitute an infringement of
that does not comply with the technical or safety
applicable mandatory local laws.
regulations applicable in the country where the
(3) This warranty does not detract from the seller' s
product is used;
obligations in regard to any lack of conformity of the
• damage/defects caused by acts of God/Nature
product and any hidden defect.
(accident, fi re, fl ood, etc) or any other condition that
§ 9 Amendment
is beyond the control of MUSIC Group.
Warranty service conditions are subject to change without
(7) Any repair or opening of the unit carried out by
notice. For the latest warranty terms and conditions
unauthorized personnel (user included) will void the
and additional information regarding MUSIC Group' s
limited warranty.
limited warranty, please see complete details online at
(8) If an inspection of the product by MUSIC Group
behringer. com.
shows that the defect in question is not covered by the
limited warranty, the inspection costs are payable by
* MUSIC Group Macao Commercial Off shore Limited of
the customer.
Rue de Pequim No. 202-A, Macau Finance Centre 9/J, Macau,
including all MUSIC Group companies
(9) Products which do not meet the terms of this
limited warranty will be repaired exclusively at the buyer' s
expense. MUSIC Group or its authorized service center will
inform the buyer of any such circumstance. If the buyer
fails to submit a written repair order within 6 weeks after
notifi cation, MUSIC Group will return the unit C.O.D. with
a separate invoice for freight and packing. Such costs will
also be invoiced separately when the buyer has sent in a
written repair order.
(10) Authorized BEHRINGER dealers do not sell new
products directly in online auctions. Purchases made
through an online auction are on a "buyer beware" basis.
Online auction confi rmations or sales receipts are not
accepted for warranty verifi cation and MUSIC Group will
not repair or replace any product purchased through an
online auction.
§ 5 Warranty transferability
This limited warranty is extended exclusively to the
original buyer (customer of authorized retail dealer) and
is not transferable to anyone who may subsequently
purchase this product. No other person (retail dealer, etc.)
shall be entitled to give any warranty promise on behalf
of MUSIC Group.
§ 6 Claim for damage
Subject only to the operation of mandatory applicable
local laws, MUSIC Group shall have no liability to the buyer
under this warranty for any consequential or indirect
loss or damage of any kind. In no event shall the liability
of MUSIC Group under this limited warranty exceed the
invoiced value of the product.
§ 7 Limitation of liability
This limited warranty is the complete and exclusive
warranty between you and MUSIC Group. It supersedes
all other written or oral communications related to this
product. MUSIC Group provides no other warranties for
this product.
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