Control module for electric locks.
It allows to use electric locks at 12V or 24V with control units
without dedicated output.
These instructions are intended only for wire connections
between the control unit and the electric lock.
To mount the electric lock onto the door/gate leaf, referen-
ce is made to the assembly instructions supplied with the
electric lock.
The module is lodged in a plastic box, which can be placed
inside the gear motor removable side, fitted by means of the
bi-adhesive strip supplied.
Wire connections
With reference to figure 2, the module is equipped with the
following terminals:
1/2 Input, Flashing light.
Connect the 24V flashing light (BLINK) of the control unit
to this input. The flashing light can be connected or not.
However, if the light is mounted, the input must be con-
nected in parallel.
Do not use outputs for 230V flashing lights.
3/4 Input, 24VAC/DC power supply.
No-polled input, 24VAC/DC power supply to the module.
Connect the 24V power output for accessories of the control
unit or the auxiliary transformer (20VA min.).
5/6 Output, electric lock
Connect the 12V or 24V electric lock to this output.
Before connecting the electric lock, select through jumper
shown in Figure 1. The jumper is supplied closed, to be
used with 12V locks. If a 24V lock is used, cut the jumper
with a pair of scissors in order to open the contact, as
indicated in Fig.1.
TIVATED in the control unit. This function is required to send
the release control signal to the electric lock with a slight
advance with respect to the actual start of the movement.
Technical Data
Power supply
Power supply electric lock
Max output
Operating voltage (Blink)
Operating time
electric lock
Output max
power, electric lock
24Vac/dc - 1,5 A max
12V / 24V selectable
24V:0,8 A Max
12V:1,6 A Max
1,8 sec.
20 VA