Programming the alarms
Each of the three HD2001 models... is fitted with an open collector low-activated
alarm output.
This output commutes when enabled if any of the limits, associated with the meas-
urement variables of all the instrument's values, exceeds the maximum level or goes
below the minimum level. The activation and deactivation of the alarm effects only
the physical output and not the display indication which in contrast always remains
enabled. To avoid one of the variables intervening, simply set the limits to the
extreme working limits of the measurement range. For each physical value,
except for pressure drop, the lower level (LOW) and the upper level (HIGH) with
LOW smaller than HIGH must be entered.
Browse the menu items until the item SET ALaRM 1 = YES, 0 = NO: press the up
arrow (UP) to access the setting of the limits. The writing changes and becomes
ReLAY ALaRM ENaBLed (Alarm output enabled): to enable the output maintaining
the previous settings, press ENTER. To enable the output and modify the settings,
press MENU: after this, the lower (LOW) and upper (HIGH) alarm limits for each
physical value available will be prompted. For example, "SET TEMPerature LOW"
sets the minimum alarm limit of the temperature; using the arrows enter the desired
value and then proceed with the MENU button to modify the other parameters.
Pressing ESC, the current parameter on display is reset to the initial value.
The variables are listed in this order: temperature, relative humidity, dew point,
barometric pressure, pressure drop (DROP) in the last 6 hours and, for the
HD2001.2 model, wind speed.
Current and voltage analog outputs for the HD2001.1 and HD2001.3 models
The models are provided with current or voltage analog outputs, one for each value,
each associated with a physical value measured by the instrument. The available
outputs are 0...20mA, 4...20mA, 0...10Vdc and 2...10Vdc. The relation between
output range (current and voltage) and input range is fixed: the output minimum
and maximum values are associated with the minimum and maximum values of the
input variables.
HD2001.1 and HD2001.3
Inputs / analog outputs ratio
-20 ... +80°C
Table 2
Analog outputs
2 ... 10Vdc
The type of output is selected using dip-switch no. 2 set on the display card (see fig.
4) and the jumpers set near the analog output terminals (see fig. 9): the various com-
bination are outlined in the following table in which the relevant output is reported
according to the position of the switches.
Dip-switch no. 2
Position of the jumper
Output selected
0 ... 20mA
Table 3
It is possible to use voltage or current outputs contemporarily provided that they
belong in the first two columns or the last two of table 3. For example the outputs
0...20mA and 0...10Vdc or 4...20mA and 2...10Vdc can coexist, but for example,
the outputs 0...20mA and 4...20mA cannot coexist.
For correct functioning, we recommend observing the load specifications con-
cerning the analog outputs reported in the technical information.
Fig.3 Support for the HD2001.2 model.
0 ... 10Vdc
4 ... 20mA
2 ... 10Vdc