6. chest press (b) - chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Lie on the floor, with knees bent and feet flat. For comfort and to
improve range of motion, either lie on pillows, a bench or Reebok
Step. To progress, try a Reebok Gymball. Hold a dumbbell in each
hand with thumbs facing inwards and arms up. Keeping your wrists
over your elbows, bend your elbows out to the sides until they are
level with your shoulders. Return to start and repeat. Breathe in
as you lower weights, exhale as you push back up.
7. kneeling Twist & Lift (A)
- Lower back, Trunk & Shoulders
Kneel with one leg in front. Your back thigh should be vertical and
your front knee at an angle of 90 degrees. Keep your back straight
and hold the dumbbell in both hands by the side of your back leg.
Then lift the dumbbell while twisting to the other side. Keep your
hips square while your upper body rotates and keep your eyes
on the dumbbell to keep your head in line.
8. calf Raises (b) - calves
Stand straight with the balls of your feet on a step. Holding the
weights in your hands, lower your heels, then rise up on your
toes as far as possible. Return to the bottom position and repeat.
To help your balance steady yourself with one hand on a stable
object. As you get stronger, try the exercise on one foot
at a time.
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9. Arm curl (A) - biceps
Stand tall with feet about shoulder width apart. Hold a dumbbell in
each hand by your sides and keep your abdominal muscles drawn in.
With your palms facing forwards and your elbows held at your sides,
raise the weights towards your shoulders until your elbows are fully
bent. Lower to your sides and repeat. As an alternative try the
exercise with your palms facing inwards.
10. kick backs (b) - Triceps
Step forward with the right leg and kneel on the left.
Lean forward from the hip and rest the right hand on the thigh.
Extend your left arm back until it is parallel to the ground and
close to your side. With your elbow kept in that position, bend
your arm and lower the weight towards the ground. Lift the
weight to straighten your arm and repeat. Once you have
done enough repetitions, switch arms and repeat.
11. crunches (b) - Abdominals
Lie flat on a mat with your feet on the floor and knees
at 90 degrees. Hold a dumbbell across the top of your
chest with your arms crossed. Keeping your chin tucked
in, curl your head and shoulders off the ground,
bringing your chest towards your pelvis. Lower your
shoulders and repeat. As you get stronger try
using two dumbbells.
e n g lish
28/10/08 12:38:18 pm