In standby mode, when the J.SHMIDT 500 is ready for operation, but filtration is not occurring, the BAT-
TERY indicator flashes 1 time per minute (short flashes).
While the J.SHMIDT 500 is operating, the BATTERY indicator will reflect the current charge status of the
battery by emitting signals of the corresponding colours.
Colour of the LED indicator
red / green
When the battery is discharged, operation of the J.SHMIDT 500 is impossible.
If the battery has discharged, the water purification process can be continued 10 minutes after the start
of charging.
If the J.SHMIDT 500 was placed inside a refrigerator for a long period of time, the filtration process may
be delayed until the battery heats up to the room temperature, or after connecting the J.SHMIDT 500 to a
charging device.
If you plan to not use the J.SHMIDT 500 for a long period of time, charge its battery.
NOTICE! The battery must be charged within 1.5 months after the battery was discharged.
The electronics unit contains a battery 3,7 V, 1000 mAh. To charge the battery of the J.SHMIDT 500, in-
sert the one end of the charging cable (included) into the connector of the electronics unit, and the other
end – into any charging device featuring a USB connector and supplying 5 V, 0.5–1.0 A. During the charging
process, the BATTERY indicator will glow red continuously. When charging is complete, the BATTERY indi-
cator will become green. The minimum time required to fully charge the battery is approximately 3 hours.
CAUTION! To ensure correct operation of the J.SHMIDT 500, it is recommended to use the included charg-
ing cable. It is forbidden to use alternative charging devices, the supply voltage of which exceeds 5 V.
NOTICE! Only the JS 500 replacement filter cartridge may be used in the J.SHMIDT 500.
Whenever you replace a filter cartridge and before each use, rinse the judge, funnel and lid. Fill the funnel
with a solution of warm water and detergent and shake it lightly a few times, afterwards rinsing it using
clean water.
Never wash the lid and funnel in the dishwasher.
CAUTION! Do not wash the electronics unit!
The J.SHMIDT 500 is designed for pre-purification of water supplied by municipal water mains.
Try to filter the water immediately before you use it.
If you have not used the system for longer than one week, filter and pour out the first two water-filled funnels.
The J.SHMIDT 500 may not be subjected to impacts and falls; never place the J.SHMIDT 500 in the vicinity of
heating devices and protect it against freezing temperatures, or heat in excess of +40 °С (104 °F).
The J.SHMIDT 500 should be disposed of in accordance with environmental protection, sanitary and
other relevant requirements set forth by the local environmental protection regulations and sanitary and
epidemiological regulations.
The electronics unit contains a rechargeable battery; in order to protect the environment, it is forbidden to
dispose of this battery together with other household waste. The electronics unit should be disposed of by
handing it over to a waste recycling organization that has the relevant licenses and certification.
BATTERY Charge Level
fully charged
close to discharge
discharged, requires charging