To take a still shot, press
2MP still photo depending on the current video resolution setting. Still
photos are saved in the folder 100EMERG.
Video Resolution Setting
9. Press and hold
Car Mode Files and Recording Details
Video file recording in CAR mode operates in a loop, creating successive files of 5
minutes in 720p and 3 minutes in 1080p. When the camera detects a memory full
situation with only enough space for protected files remaining, the next file will
overwrite the oldest file to make sure the recording function is always on.
1. The default video resolution for CAR Mode is 720p. You can change the
resolution through the iON Application Software.
2. Files recorded in CAR Mode are saved in the DCMI\10XMOTOR folder on the
memory card.
3. The files are named with the format YYYYMMDD_XXXX.MP4 or JPG. YYYY,
MM, DD represent the year, month and day of the recording. XXXX is 4
successive numeric digits.
You can playback video with GPS information using the Kinomap software
once. The camera will take either a 1MP or
to stop the recording and turn the camera off.
Corresponding Photo Resolution
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