Manually Terminating Calibration / Reconditioning
At any time during IMPRES 2 or IMPRES battery discharge (Steady
Amber), Calibration / Reconditioning may be terminated by performing
the following steps:
1. Remove the battery from the charger pocket.
2. Within 5 seconds, reinsert the battery into the charger pocket.
Battery discharge immediately terminates, and normal battery charging
starts. The LED indicates Charge Status.
Reconditioning Switch
The charger is equipped with a switch on the bottom of the unit that
can be utilized to manually terminate the reconditioning process (as a
systemic, on-going use-case). However, the charger will continue to
provide an indication that the battery needs to be reconditioned.
Switch the RECONDITION to "ON" located at the bottom of the charger
to enable the recondition feature.