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CLSR-ST: V1.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction Section 1.0 – Safety Section 2.0 – Machine Setup Section 3.0 – Machine Operation Section 4.0 – Troubleshooting guide and notebook Section 5.0 – Parts List Appendix...
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CLSR-ST: V1.0 Introduction ABM International would like to thank you for the purchase of an CLSR-ST comforter closing machine. ABM is confident that this machine will meet or exceed your expectations for cost, speed and durability. If at anytime you experience problems with any of your ABM machines we ask that you contact us - 24 hours a day by calling our service department at (281) 443-4440.
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Section 1.0 - Safety 1.0 Safety Introduction As with the operation of all machinery, safe operation of the CLSR-ST is a major concern of ABM International, Inc. The purpose of this section is to inform personnel of the safe and prudent operation of a CLSR-ST.
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CLSR-ST: V1.0 11. Before starting the CLSR-ST, ensure that no loose tools, bars or parts are lying in or on any part of the machine. 12. Proper fire fighting equipment should be kept in good operating condition and kept near in the event of fire.
Section 2.0 – Machine Setup 2.0 Setup Instructions The CLSR-ST is fully tested prior to breakdown and delivery to the customer. As a result, this manual provides a section on machine setup so that you can install the machine. Please read this manual in its’ entirety and follow all ABM instructions, especially the inspections.
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CLSR-ST: VER 1.0 Section 3.0 – Operation The CLSR-ST Conveyor had been designed to feed the comforter at a speed relative to the sewing speed of the machine. When the operator presses the foot pedal the sewing machine begins to sew and the conveyor responds with a variable speed. Pressing the foot pedal further increases the speed of sewing and feed rate of the conveyor.
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This section is included to help diagnose and solve any problems that may occur with the CLSR-ST. ABM has done its best to include as much information as possible. However, not all problems are listed, therefore ABM asks that whenever a problem occurs you contact a service technician at our home office.
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CLSR-ST: V1.0 Section 5.0 – Parts List This section lists the ABM part numbers needed to order any part on the CLSR-ST. The section is divided into two lists. Both lists show the quantity, item description and ABM part number for all the components needed to completely rebuild a machine. ABM carries all of the components below in stock at all times.
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CLSR-ST: V1.0 Closer with DC Servo Puller Description ABM Part Sprocket - Conveyor/Conveyor Motor Bushing - conveyor motor Bushing - conveyor drive shaft Roller chain 4" DIA Black UHMW UHMW BLACK UHMW BLACK UHMW BLACK UHMW BLACK Gear Motor - 30:1 LH Output (REMOVE THE BRAKE)
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CLSR-ST: V1.0 Appendices The following pages provide technical information with regards to the electronics located within the machinery.
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Cm pdl !ejbhsbn W f st jpo!33/16/18! Cm pdl !ejbhsbn !QG BG G !2291!x ju i !dpou spm !voju !Q51!QE! /15/14 2291 CEG !.!QJ DP !U P Q !Esjw f !0 !N jojt u pq! jodsf n f ou bm !u sbot evdf s g ps! t pg u x bsf epx om pbe...
Página 71
J oef y Dpou f ou t !//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Q bhf Bek vt u n f ou !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6 /12! U ppm t -!hbvhf t !boe!pu i f s!bddf t t psjf t !g ps!bek vt u joh!//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6 /13! Bccsf w jbu jpot !///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6 /14! Fyqm bobu jpo!pg !u i f !t zn cpm t ! / /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6 /15!
Página 72
J oef y Dpou f ou t !//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Q bhf /19! Bek vt u joh!u i f !bvu pn bu jd!qsf t t f s!g ppu !m jg u !.: 210 17!!//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 52 /1: ! Bek vt u joh!u i f !cbdl .u bdl joh!n f di bojt n !≈: 220 48!////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 53 Q bsbn f u f s!t f u u joht !! / ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 54 /21/12! Qbsbn f u f s!m jt u ! / ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 54...
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Cm pdl !ejbhsbn W f st jpo!33/16/18! Cm pdl !ejbhsbn !QG BG G !2291!x ju i !dpou spm !voju !Q51!QE! 2291 CEG !.!QJ DP !U P Q !Esjw f !0 !N jojt u pq! jodsf n f ou bm !u sbot evdf s g ps! t pg u x bsf epx om pbe...
Página 259
82.6: 1!118.88 82.6: 1!118.83 Bot di m v‚ !t jf i f !Tf juf !86 G ps!dpoof du jpo!t f f !qbhf !86 Qbsb!m b!dpof yj˜ o-!w Ï bt f !m b!q‰ h/!86 82.6: 1!118.82 22.291!394.36!)3y* 23.416!285.36!)3y* : 2.375!493.81 82.6: 1!119.46...
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22.241!335.36 23.621!252.26 23.416!255.36 : 2.373!496.860 9: 4 23.621!251.56 23.5: : !261.56!)5y* : 2.3: 1!224.: 2 22.2: 1!287.36!)5y* 22.241!398.36 [ vn !N pups G ps!n pu ps 22.573!418.66!)3y* Qbsb!f m !n pu ps : 2.3: 1!224.: 2 [ vn !Hf t uf m m G ps!t u boe Qbsb!f m !cbodbeb : : .248!2: 7.16!)5y*...
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11 1 : 6.885!611.860 9: 6 22.241!338.36!)3y* 22.241!28: .36!)5y* 82.6: 1!119.44 82.6: 1!119.53 82.6: 1!118.83 Bot di m v‚ !t jf i f !Tf juf !88 G ps!dpoof du jpo!t f f !qbhf !88 Qbsb!m b!dpof yj˜ o-!w Ï bt f !m b!q‰ h/!88 siehe Kapit el 2 Erläut erung der Schlüsselzeichen see chapter 2 Explanation of key markings véase el Cap.
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22.241!335.36 23.621!252.26 23.416!255.36 : 2.373!496.860 9: 4 23.621!251.56 23.5: : !261.56!)5y* : 2.3: 1!224.: 2 22.2: 1!287.36!)5y* 22.241!398.36 [ vn !N pups G ps!n pu ps 22.573!418.66!)3y* Qbsb!f m !n pu ps : 2.3: 1!224.: 2 [ vn !Hf t uf m m G ps!t u boe Qbsb!f m !cbodbeb : : .248!2: 7.16!)5y*...
Página 263
Garnrollenst änder PFAFF 1181;1181- D Reel st ands PFAFF 1183;1183- D Port acarret es PFAFF 3511-2/01 PFAFF 3701-4/11 : 2.33: !181.810 9: 6 siehe Kapit el 2 Erläut erung der Schlüsselzeichen see chapter 2 Explanation of key markings véase el Cap. 2 Explicaciones de los signos clave...
Página 264
Einstellehren PFAFF 1181;1181- D Adjustment gauges PFAFF 1183;1183- D Calibres de ajust e PFAFF 3511-2/01 PFAFF 3701-4/11 72.222!74: .87 72.222!74: .84 72.222!74: .82 24.144!457.16 Teile zur Tischplatt e PFAFF 1181;1181- D Parts for table top PFAFF 1183;1183- D Piezas pat a el t ablero PFAFF 3511-2/01 PFAFF 3701-4/11 22.321!327.26!)5y* : 2.377!967.36!)3y*...
Página 265
Keilriemen V-belt Correa t rapezoidal PFAFF 1181;1181- D PFAFF 1183;1183- D 27.525!24: .16 t jf i f !Tf juf !92 t f f !qbhf !92 w Ï bt f !m b!q‰ hjob!92 [ vn !N pups G ps!n pu ps Qbsb!f m !n pu ps Knielüft erteile Knee lif ter parts...
Página 266
22.219!282.26!)3y* 23.416!225.26!)3y* : 2.373!468.860 7: 9 23.416!225.26!)3y* 22.219!282.26!)3y* t jf i f !Tf juf !22 t f f !qbhf !22 w Ï bt f !m b!q‰ hjob!22 : 2.373!51: .26 23.135!321.26 22.241!287.26!)4y* : 2.373!519.16 t jf i f !Tf juf !38 t f f !qbhf !38 w Ï...
Página 267
22.241!46: .36!)3y* : 6.885!794.16 28.129!212.: 2 : 2.375!326.16 22.241!3: 4.36!)3y* 23.416!285.36!)3y* Bot di m v‚ !t jf i f !Tf juf !55 G ps!dpoof du jpo!t f f !qbhf !55 Bot di m v‚ !t jf i f !Tf juf !56 Qbsb!m b!dpof yj˜...