When the installation is fully completed, the last step is feed the antenna with coaxial cable. Follow the drawings.
Simply, cut and open the 2 coax and solder terminals supplied after placing these in the Driven element (DRV.6) and fixing
it with nuts and washers. The terminal position is irrelevant. Does not have to be alive or mesh on one side or another element.
Coax cable feeding:
After several trials, we see that the balun aluminum makes it worse job than a coaxial choke. For this, we recommend 5 turns
of 8 cm and thus the RF return will be minimal or absent.
In the drawing advise you to do the clash below the coaxial elements do not causes interaction with the elements.
SWR adjusting:
Once positioned the antenna with your measurements, you may need some fine-tuning to get the SWR desired. Moving the
element DRV.6 inward or outward several millimeters to 50 MHz and DRV4. for 70 MHz is the way to go.
Find the center frequency is at 50,150 and 70,200 MHz, respectively. with the lowest SWR. best option is to adjust with antenna
analyzer or with the help of a Radio + SWR meter and antenna being 1 or 2 meters above the ground is enough , give us the
ame result being any other height, and put in the tower / mast.
Hose clamp 8-12mm Ø
13mm Ø
Hose Clamp 8-12mm Ø
13mm Ø
Alimentación Coax
26mm each side
10mm Ø
26mm each side
10mm Ø