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ENGLISH MAGYAR РУССКИЙ Installation must be performed in compli- A beszerelést az aktuális helyi szerelési és Установка должна производиться в ance with current local construction and csatornázási szabályozásnak megfelelően соответствии с текущими местными plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact kell elvégezni.
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ENGLISH ROMÂNA Switch off main shut-off valve before Opreşte supapa principală înainte de a changing mixer tap. schimba bateria. DEUTSCH SLOVENSKY Vor dem Auswechseln der Mischbatterie Pred výmenou batérie odstavte prívod den Haupthahn abdrehen. vody. FRANÇAIS БЪЛГАРСКИ Fermer le robinet central d’eau avant de Затворете...
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ENGLISH SUOMI EESTI IMPORTANT! Do not tighten too hard: this TÄRKEÄÄ! Älä kiristä liikaa, etteivät let- OLULINE! Ärge pingutage seadmeid liiga can damage hoses/pipes and washers. kut/putket ja tiivisteet vaurioidu. tugevasti: see võib kahjustada voolikuid/ torusid ja tihendeid. DEUTSCH SVENSKA VORSICHT! Nie zu fest anziehen;...
HRVATSKI 한국어 VAŽNO! Ne zatežite previše: možete oš- 중요! 무리하게 조이지 마세요: 호스/파이프와 와 tetiti crijeva/cijevi i brtve. 셔가 고장날 수 있습니다. 日本語 ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ 重要! レバーはきつく閉め過ぎないでくださ ΣΗΜΑΝΤΙΚΟ! Μην σφίγγετε πολύ δυνατά: い。 ホースやパイプ、 ワッシャーを傷める原因 αυτό μπορεί να φθείρει τους σωλήνες και...
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ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH Before use: unscrew the filter and allow Before use: unscrew the filter and allow Before use: unscrew the filter and allow the water to run freely for 5 minutes. Then the water to run freely for 5 minutes. Then the water to run freely for 5 minutes.
Página 13
ENGLISH Before use: unscrew the filter and allow the water to run freely for 5 minutes. Then screw the filter back in place. ENGLISH Before use: unscrew the filter and allow the water to run freely for 5 minutes. Then screw the filter back in place.
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ENGLISH ROMÂNA Check at regular intervals to make sure Verifică la intervale de timp regulate that the installation is not leaking. pentru a fi sigur că instalaţia nu are scur- geri. DEUTSCH SLOVENSKY Regelmäßig kontrollieren, dass die Instal- lation dicht ist.