1. Operation of the Interval Timer
The Interval Timer Pro switches any device on and off at
accurately determined intervals. You can choose from
different time units: sec/sec, sec/min, sec/hours,
sec/days, min/sec, min/min, min/hours, min/days,
hours/days, hours/hours, hours/min, hours/sec,
days/days, days/hours, days/min, days/sec, with an
adjustment range of 1 – 99. For instance: pause 4
hours/pulse 15 minutes. This cycles repeats itself.
The Interval Timer Pro has a built-in LDR (Light
Dependent Resistor – light sensor) and offers a choice
of three programs: day, night and 24-hour. During day
mode, the timer only works if the built-in light sensor
detects light. In this case, the light sensor automatically
switches off the Interval Timer Pro when no more light
is detected. When the light sensor detects light again,
the interval program restarts. During night mode this is
exactly the other way around. For continuous operation,
choose the 24-hour option.
The heavy relay allows you to switch devices up to 10
2. Control and set the Interval Timer
You can complete all settings with the Push-and-Turn
Knob (from now on PTK).
During the startup of the Interval Timer Pro you will see
the following screen. The red and green LEDs flash
Int. Timer Pro
v. 181029b
After a few seconds you enter the main screen:
Pulse 1 seconds
Pause 0:00:00:00
To enter the main menu press the PTK for 7 seconds
while in the main screen. In the main menu you can
define your preferences.
| Innovative Growing Solutions
2.1 Set day, night or 24-hour mode
The first screen of the main menu appears:
Select function
During day mode, the Interval Timer Pro is active as
long as the LDR detects light. If the LDR does not detect
light, the Interval Timer Pro enters sleep mode. This is
displayed as "Sleep" in the screen. If you select night
mode, the Interval Timer Pro is active as long as the
LDR does not detect light. If the LDR detects light, the
Interval Timer Pro enters sleep mode. This is shown in
the screen as "Sleep".
Pulse 1 seconds
During the 24-hour mode, the Interval Timer Pro is
continuously in operation.
By turning the PTK you select the desired mode: day
(DAY), night (NIGHT) or 24-hour (24H).
Press the PTK to confirm.
You enter the next screen.
2.2 Set time unit pulse time
The second screen of the main menu appears:
Pulse Unit
Turn the PTK to select the desired time unit for the
pulse time: seconds, minutes, hours or days.
Press the PTK to confirm.
You enter the next screen.
2.3 Set time unit pause time
The third screen of the main menu appears: