Freestyle mode
The Paper Jamz Pro guitar has two main modes: Song and Freestyle.
Selecting a mode
The Paper Jamz Pro guitar starts up in Freestyle mode so you can play like a pro right out of
the box.
To switch to Song mode and play along with a song, press and hold the Mode button until you
hear a chord sound. Then touch one of the first 3 frets. Each fret plays a different song.
Freestyle mode
Freestyle mode lets you play real chords and notes to create your own hit songs and killer
guitar solos.
If you're in Song mode and want to switch back to Freestyle mode, touch and hold the Mode
button until you hear a chord sound. Then touch the 4th fret
Basic Play in Freestyle mode
The Paper Jamz Pro guitar has 14 active frets that you can
play. Touch one or more frets to play a note or chord while
strumming and make your guitar wail.
Selecting Notes or Chords
Choose between playing chords and notes by touching the
Notes/Chords button until you hear a click sound. You can
switch back and forth at any time while you play.
All manuals and user guides at
4th fret
Song 1
First 3 frets
Song 2
Song 3