Playing Notes or Chords
If you're playing notes, the guitar will play the note corresponding to the highest fret (closest
to the guitar body) touched. Strumming with no frets touched plays E, and each fret
increases the pitch by a half step.
If you're playing chords, the guitar plays the chord corresponding to the lowest fret (closest
to the guitar head) you touch. Strumming with no frets touched plays an E major chord. If
you touch two frets together, the guitar will play a minor chord.
Note: See p. 10 for a chart of notes and major/minor chords.
Performance effects
You can apply performance effects to notes and/or chords to create your own awesome
solos, but effects can only be applied to chords as long as you keep changing fret positions.
Once a chord has played for a bit, the effects cannot be applied to it.
Slide your finger on the Ripstrip to bend the pitch of notes and chords. Sliding toward the guitar
head bends pitch down and sliding away from the guitar head bends it up. Slide your finger and
hold it before strumming to start a note or chord at a different pitch.
Point the neck up to play notes an octave higher. Shake the guitar head to add vibrato.
Palm Mute
Touch the palm mute with the base of your palm to stop the note or chord. If you hold the base
of your palm on the palm mute while playing a chord, the chord will have a muted sound.
Advanced guitar techniques
Play your Paper Jamz Pro guitar like the real thing—do hammer-ons, pull-offs, taps and slides!
Just strum a note or chord and then change which frets are touched. You can apply these
techniques to both notes and chords, but like the performance effects, they can only be
performed with chords as long as you keep changing fret positions.
A hammer-on is when you play a note and while it's still ringing, you "hammer" your finger on a
fret higher up the neck.
A pull-off is the opposite of a hammer-on. You create a new note by pulling your finger off while
a note is ringing.
Tapping is when you generate a note by tapping the fretboard with your strumming hand.
A slide is when you play one note and then slide your finger up or down the fretboard to another fret.
Tip: Go to for videos on how to rock out with these effects and techniques!
All manuals and user guides at
Freestyle mode