5. How long will the tip last?
It depends on how well you take care of the tip . We have
had customers using the same tip for two years while other
customers will use up a tip in two weeks . The life of a tip will
be reduced by:
a . running it too hot for long periods of time
b . bending or putting too much mechanical force on it .
The tips should be used only to transfer heat—not to pack
down gutta-percha. Our recommendation is that you use a cold
plugger for that purpose . Tip life will also be greatly extended
if you use the touch mode consistently so that the tip is heated
only when needed .
6. How does the touch switch work and why do I need a
contact clip?
A spring extending backward from the pinvise mount
completes the circuit by making contact with the probe shaft .
7. What kind of batteries are used?
The Touch 'n Heat uses sealed lead-acid batteries . Unlike the
common nickel-cadmium batteries, you should never run down
the lead-acid batteries completely . Total depletion will destroy
them . Our Touch 'n Heats have low battery warning lights to
prevent this from happening . Always keep the unit on charge
when not in use .
8. How long do the batteries hold a charge?
The Touch 'n Heat battery will last 30–45 minutes and can be
recharged in 8 hours . For your safety, the Touch 'n Heat is
designed not to function while being charged .
9. When will the batteries have to be replaced?
The battery manufacturer specifies an estimated battery life of
3 to 5 years when kept properly charged . When the batteries are
depleted, they must be removed and replaced by SybronEndo
since the batteries are soldered directly into the unit .
10. How should I use the Touch 'n Heat?
Practitioners who ask this general question probably do not
know enough about the warm gutta-percha technique . We
usually recommend attending some courses on this subject .
You should not start using the Touch 'n Heat without having
some course instruction and prior practice on extracted teeth .
Cleaning, Sterilization, and Maintenance
Pluggers and tips must be cleaned and sterilized before every use:
1 . Clean with water and mild, non-abrasive, detergent such as dish
washing liquid . Dry thoroughly .
2 . Double wrap the pluggers and tips using a typical central
service wrapping technique and place into autoclave unit
avoiding contact with other instruments .
3 . Operate sterilization cycle at 250°F for 30 minutes or 270°F
for 25 minutes . Follow the instructions supplied with your
autoclave unit for specific operating instructions .
Expected Life of Accessories
All accessories are reusable only for a limited number of
procedures . This number is highly dependent on how and for
what duration the instrument is used during each procedure and,
therefore, will vary significantly from user to user . If the device
function appears to be erratic, an accessory may have exceeded
its useful life and should be replaced .
The Touch 'n Heat 5004 enclosure and the handpiece should
be wiped down with a cloth soaked in any of the common
non-abrasive, mild, cleaning liquids containing alcohol . Do
not submerge the device or let liquid enter the enclosure
and handpiece .
Technical Specifications
Casing of unit:
Dimensions: Height: 2 .2 inches /55 mm
Classification: IEC 601-1 Internally Powered Equipment
Mode of Operation: IEC 601-1 Continuous Operation
Duty Cycle: 2 sec . ON, 5 sec . OFF for 5 mins .
@ 30 mins . Interval
Degree of safety of application in presence of a flammable
anesthetic mixture:
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
Weight: 1 .4 lb . (0 .64 kg)
Width: 3 .1 inches /79 mm
Depth: 5 .2 inches /132 mm
Unit unsuitable for use in presence of a flammable anesthetic
mixture with air or with oxygen or nitrous oxide .
Conditions for use: +10°C to +40°C
30% to 75% relative humidity
Storage and transport conditions: -10°C to +45°C
Atmospheric Pressure: 101 .1 kPa
Origin: SybronEndo
1332 South Lone Hill Avenue
Glendora, CA 91740, USA
Model: Touch 'n Heat 5004
Power Supply: rechargable sealed lead-acid battery
Warranty Information
Returns and Warranty
The Touch 'n Heat is designed for lasting durability and predictable
results . The unit comes with a one-year warranty .
If the unit should fail to operate correctly, please contact your
SybronEndo customer service representative at 1 800-346-3636.
Outside the United States, please call customer service at
714-516-7979 or contact your local dealer or supplier to
coordinate the returns/repairs with SybronEndo .
Warranty repairs can only be performed by SybronEndo or by
authorized agencies with original factory parts . Any unauthorized
repairs will void the warranty .
1 . Use the original packaging when shipping or storing your
Touch 'n Heat .
2 . Many problems can be solved over the phone . Do not hesitate
to contact us if you experience difficulties when using the
Touch 'n Heat .
3 . For returns, call us for a Return Good Authorization (RGA)
number .
4 . Damages incurred during shipping due to improper packaging
are not covered by the warranty . If the original box and/or foam
packing are not available, please call SybronEndo for packing
instructions .
5 . Mark all outer packaging with the RGA number, your name,
address, and phone number .
6 . Shipping costs are not covered by the warranty .
The responsibility of SybronEndo, as a manufacturer of
electrical/medical devices, extends to the technical safety features
of the device only if maintenance and repairs are carried out by
SybronEndo or by authorized agencies with original factory parts .
For safety reasons, this product should be used with accessories
manufactured and sold by SybronEndo . Any use of non-authorized
accessories or not following any of the instructions for use is done
so at the operator's risk and voids the warranty .
SybronEndo does not assume any responsibility for poor results
due to operator error or equipment malfunction .
10% to 95% relative humidity