Verification of blower by means of hysteresis with two temperature values H and L
Working temperature of the instrument from -20 to +60° CU
Admitted maximum environmental humidity 90% non-condensin
Control of data introduced during the programming phase
Possibility to manually switch over the relays through the relay test menu
Permanent storing of programmed values and maximum temperatures reached
Automatic display of value and number of probe related to the hottest channel
Storage of the maximum historical data achieved by each channel
Dielectric strength of contacts 2500 V for 60"
Arctic mode
Only for CCT 441
Output RS485 Half duplex protocol MODBUS-RTU
Only for CCT 442
Output galvanically insulated 4-20mA or 0-20 mA
Maximum permissible impedance 500 OhmT
Temperature range
Scale 4-20 mA (-10°C 4 mA - 200°C 20 mA) transformation formula Iout = (T+10)/210*16 + 4
(current in mA, temperature in °C)
Scale 0-20 mA (-10°C 0 mA - 200°C 20 mA) transformation formula Iout = (T+10)/210*20
(current in mA, temperature in °C)
S.E.A. Società Elettromeccanica Arzignanese S.p.A.
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