5. Preparing of the equipment for its use
The V7 g suction unit is supplied assembled with the exception of the lowest suction
tubes to allocate the bacteria filter between the suction unit and the collection bottle;
afterwards the equipment will be ready to be used. (see Chapter 5.1.).
The collector jar, the suctioning tubes and the bacteria filter are the only
components that have to be changed for each patient and are easily removable. On
assembling the equipment, special care has to be taken to respect the direction of
the suctioning flow that is identified and recorded in the collector jar.
Never operate the unit without bacterial filter, the unit could be damaged
Do not forget to check the correct operation voltage
5.1. Previous assembly procedure
1. Connect the 5cm tube between the bacteria filter and the input of the suction
2. Connect the 15cm tube between the bacteria filter and the outlet VACUUM of
the collection bottle.
3. Put the suction tube (1.5mx8mm) between the outlet PATIENT of the collection
bottle and the suction terminal and roll it in the tube location of the unit.
4. Connect the electric power cable as required by the model.
5. Switch on the unit (ON/OFF switch).
6. Collapse the flow twisting the suction tube and checking the digital display for
vacuum metering to test that the unit makes vacuum without any leakage and
that this level varies when the vacuum control knob is acted on.
7. Check the battery level while in function; in case of need, leave it connected to a
power supply during the time needed (the full charge of a new battery that is run
down is five hours).
8. Switch off the unit (ON/OFF switch).
5.2. Final assembling for a specific patient
1. Connect the suction terminal to a suction catheter specific for this application
and patient.
2. Switch-on the unit (ON/OFF SWITCH).
3. Obstruct the flow in the suction catheter and adjust the level of vacuum
prescribed in the vacuum display turning the vacuum regulator control knob.
4. Adjust the continuous/intermittent timer control knob to the prescribed value.
5. The unit is ready to put the suctioning catheter to the patient.
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