2.10 Smart Switches
The motherboard has six smart switches: Power Button, Reset Button, Clear CMOS
Buttons, Retry Button, Safe Boot Button and BIOS Flashback Button, allowing users
to quickly turn on/off the system, reset the system, clear the CMOS values, force the
system shutdown, safely boot the system or flash the BIOS.
Power Button
(see p.1, No. 26)
Reset Button
(see p.1, No. 27)
Clear CMOS Button
(see p.4, No. 19)
This function is workable only when you power off your computer and unplug the
power supply, or press and hold this button for two seconds under S5 mode.
Retry Button
(see p.1 No. 21)
Safe Boot Button
(see p.1 No. 20)
Power Button allows users
to quickly turn on/off the
Reset Button allows
users to quickly reset the
Clear CMOS Button
allows users to quickly
clear the CMOS values.
Reset Button allows
users to restart system
immediately when the
system needs to be forced
If press this button, the
next boot of the system
will use BIOS default