Resumen de contenidos para Interchange NSR83-21SPS
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Operator’s Manual Manual para el Operador Manuel D’Utilisation NSR83-21SPS 21° Round Head Framing Nailer with Single Piece Safety Item No. 65605 NOte: Please read and fully understand the instructions in this manual before operating the pneumatic tool. Carefully read through this OPERATOR’S MANUAL to ensure efficient, safe operation.
Operators and others in work area must wear safety glasses with side shields. Ear and head protection may be needed in some environments. Keep face, hands and feet away from firing head at all times. Interchange Brands, LLC...
Mantener la cara, manos y pies lejos del área de Garder le visage, les mains et les pieds éloignés descarga en todo momento. du palpeur de mise à feu en tout temps. Interchange Brands, LLC...
A Magazine Kit is available to shoot .162" (4.11mm) Nails. Ask for genuine INTERCHANGE ® DPS Nails Refer to the INTERCHANGE ® Collated Fasteners Catalog for information on the fasteners that fit these tools Interchange Brands Framing Nailers: Operator’s Manual...
® DPS Authentique Référez vous au catalogue de fixations “INTERCHANGE” pour les informations sur Consulte el catálogo de ajustadores les fixations conçues pour ces outils INTERCHANGE para obtener la media apropiada para el ajustador Interchange Brands Framing Nailers: Operator’s Manual...
Press the stop lever and slide the nail feeder forward until it makes contact with the nail strip. Notes: Nail strips should include minimum 5 nails. Attach the air supply. The nailer is now ready to operate. Nail Feeder Interchange Brands Framing Nailers: Operator’s Manual...
Une bande de clous devrait contenir un minimum clavos. de cinq clous. Juntar el suministro de aire. La clavadora esta Branchez l’alimentation d’air. La cloueuse est lista para ser utilizada. maintenant prête à être utilisée. Stop Lever Interchange Brands Framing Nailers: Operator’s Manual...
It is important that the tool be properly lubricated. Without proper lubrication, the tool will not work properly and parts will wear prematurely. Use INTERCHANGE pneumatic tool lubricant. Do not use detergent oil or additives. These lubricants will harm the O-rings and other rubber parts. This will cause the tool to malfunction.
Si l’on ne possède pas de lubrificateur, mettre de lubricante para herramientas neumáticas 3 à 5 gouttes d’huile de machine pneumatique INTERCHANGE a la entrada de aire del la INTERCHANGE dans le bouchon d’air du l’outil herramienta dos veces al día.
Do not exceed this recommended operating pressure. Moisture or oil in the air compressor may accelerate wear and corrosion in the nailer. Drain daily. Interchange Brands Framing Nailers: Operator’s Manual...
L’humidité ou l’huile dans le compresseur peut aire puede acelerar el desgaste y la corrosión de accélérer l’usure et la corrosion de l’outil. la clavadora. Drena diariamente. Purger à tous les jours. Interchange Brands Framing Nailers: Operator’s Manual...
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Air hose Air hose must have a minimum working pressure rating of 120psi or 150% of the maximum pressure produced in the system, whichever is higher. Interchange Brands Framing Nailers: Operator’s Manual...
120psi ou presión máxima producida en el sistema, el que 150% de la pression maximum produite dans sea mayor. le système, quelle que soit celle qui est la plus élevée. Interchange Brands Framing Nailers: Operator’s Manual...
With the nailer off the work piece, pull the trigger. Depress the safety/push lever against the work piece. ThE NAILER MUST OPERATE If SET IN BUMP fIRE MODE. Interchange Brands Framing Nailers: Operator’s Manual...
Appuyez le palpeur sur une surface de travail. la pieza de trabajo. LA CLOUEUSE DEVRAIT fONCTIONNER SI LA CLAVADORA DEBE OPERAR SI SE ELLE EST RÉgLÉ EN MODE DE CLOUAgE ENCUENTRA EN ESTADO DE DISPARO. RÉPÉTITIf. Interchange Brands Framing Nailers: Operator’s Manual...
2. Remove all fasteners from the tool. 3. Connect the air hose and free-fire (blank-fire) the tool. The lowered air pressure will be enough to free-fire the tool. Slow speed operation tends to warm up the moving part. Interchange Brands Framing Nailers: Operator’s Manual...
La pression d’air inférieure sera suffisante pour le para disparar en vacío el la herramienta. clouage à blanc. La operación a baja velocidad tiende a calentar Les opérations à vitesse lente ont tendance à las partes móviles. chauffer les pièces mobiles. Interchange Brands Framing Nailers: Operator’s Manual...
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Does not drive properly at faster nailing speeds Solution 1. Check for proper air supply 2. Use larger inside diameter air hose 3. Check for / or repair air leaks 4. Replace seals and rings Interchange Brands Framing Nailers: Operator’s Manual...
2. Use un diametro mas grande de aire dentro de diamètre intérieur plus gros la mangera 3. Vérifiez / réparez les fuites d’air 3. Revise/Repare fugas de aire 4. Remplacez les joints toriques 4. Reemplace sellos y anillos Interchange Brands Framing Nailers: Operator’s Manual...
TRIGGER VALVE 29 210680 NOSE 210130 NAIL FEEDER Parts Kits for NSR83-21SPS Kits de Partes Para NSR83-21SPS Liste Des Trousses De Pièces Pour NSR83-21SPS ORDER DESC. KIT # ITEM NOTICE: The parts listed in this manual are for service assembly and CODE for reference.
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Parts Drawing/Schematics for NSR83-21SPS Ilustraciones/Diagramas De Partes Para NSR83-21SPS Schémas Des Pièces Pour NSR83-21SPS Loctite 243 Loctite 243 Loctite 262 Loctite 243 Nylock Nylock Nylock Loctite 243 NSR83-21SPS Parts Drawing (05-14-13) Interchange Brands Framing Nailers: Operator’s Manual...
Esta garantía le otorga derechos legales específicos, y usted también puede tener otros derechos que varían de esta a estado. Interchange Brands, LLC...
Aucun employé ou représentant de tout distributeur ou le revendeur n’est autorisé à effectuer tout changement ou modification à cette garantie. Cette garantie vous donne des droits légaux spécifiques, et vous pouvez aussi profiter de certains autres droits qui varient d’un état à l’autre. Interchange Brands, LLC...
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state. Ask for genuine INTERCHANGE ® Nails Interchange Brands Operator’s Manual Models: NSR83-21SPS Made In China (8/24/15)