AXIS M5013/M5014 Quick Guide Supplement
Set the IP address with ARP/Ping
1. Acquire an IP address on the same network segment your computer is connected to.
2. Locate the serial number (S/N) on the product label on the camera.
3. Open a command prompt on your computer and enter the following commands:
Windows syntax:
arp -s <IP Address> <Serial Number>
ping -l 408 -t <IP Address>
UNIX/Linux/Mac syntax:
arp -s <IP Address> <Serial Number> temp
ping -s 408 <IP Address>
4. Check that the network cable is connected to the camera and then start/restart the camera, by
disconnecting and reconnecting power.
5. Close the command prompt when you see 'Reply from ...' or similar.
6. In your browser, type in http://<IP address> in the Location/Address field and press Enter on
your keyboard.
• To open a command prompt in Windows: from the Start menu, select Run... and type cmd. Click OK.
• To use the ARP command in Windows Vista, right-click the command prompt icon and select Run as
• To use the ARP command on a Mac OS X, use the Terminal utility in Application > Utilities.
Resetting to the factory default settings
This will reset all parameters, including the IP address to the factory default settings:
1. Disconnect power from the camera.
2. Press and hold the Control button and reconnect power.
3. Keep the Control button pressed until the Status indicator displays amber (this may take up to
15 seconds).
4. Release the Control button. When the Status indicator displays green (which can take up to 1
minute) the process is complete and the network camera has been reset.
5. Re-assign the IP address, using one of the methods described in this document.
It is also possible to reset parameters to the original factory default settings via the web interface.
For more information, please see the online help or the User Manual.
Windows example:
arp -s 00-40-8c-18-10-00
ping -l 408 -t
UNIX/Linux/Mac example:
arp -s 00:40:8c:18:10:00 temp
ping -s 408
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