Connect the hose (D) of gas cylinder 1 to
connection point 1 (25) and the gas pressure
measurement line (E) from the valve to terminal
26. Connect the hose (G) of gas cylinder 2 to
connection point 2 (27) and the gas pressure
measurement line 2 (F) to the corresponding
terminal 28.
Connecting the handle for argon
Activation of the argon function
When the pressure in the active gas cylinder drops to below 5%
the HBS X-touch 300 argon BiSeal
the full gas cylinder. If both cylinders are empty, the message
"Argon level LOW" appears on activation at the display.
Connect the handle to "MONOPOLAR2" and the hose connector
(of the handle) to the argon connection point.
To set the argon function you have to press the "Argon Flow"
button on the touch-screen. If it is activate, "+Argon" will
HBS x-touch 300 argon BiSeal
automatically switches to