Picture 17
1. Back Button:
Go back to previous page.
2. Download:
Download program for the light.
3. Program Point:
Tap to select point, tap again to edit point page.
4. Intensity Grade:
Intensity grade of each colour channel.
5. ADD:
Tap to add a new time.
6. Delete:
Tap to delete the selected time.
7. Intensity Curve:
Auto generation of intensity curve of each colour channel.
8. Program Point Slide Bar:
Slide to select time.
9. Cloud:
Tap to add cloud effect.
10. Lunar Cycle:
Tap to add lunar cycle effect.
11. Storm:
Tap to add storm effect.
12. Demo:
Tap to preview the program on the light. It takes 30 seconds to run the program cycle once. It does not show
effect points.
13. Save:
Tap to save your DIY program.
14. Start:
Tap to start running current DIY Program.