Configuration (Standalone)
Set the product in one of the standalone modes to control without a DMX controller.
Never connect a product that is operating in any standalone mode to a DMX string
connected to a DMX controller. Products in standalone mode may transmit DMX signals
that could interfere with the DMX signals from the controller.
Automatic Mode
To run the Scorpion Dual RGB in automatic mode, follow the instructions below.
1. Press <MENU> repeatedly until Sou or Aut shows on the display.
2. Use <UP> or <DOWN> to select from Aut and Au1–6.
3. Press <ENTER>.
Sound-Active Mode
To run the Scorpion Dual RGB in sound-active mode, do the following:
1. Press <MENU> repeatedly until Sou or Aut shows on the display.
2. Use <UP> or <DOWN> to select from Sou and So1–6.
3. Press <ENTER>.
Sound Sensitivity
To set the sound sensitivity on the Scorpion Dual RGB, follow the instructions below.
1. Press <MENU> repeatedly until S 0–9 shows on the display.
2. Use <UP> or <DOWN> to increase or decrease the sound sensitivity.
3. Press <ENTER>.
The product will only respond to low frequencies of music (bass and drums).
The laser will black out when in Sound-Active mode after 3 seconds of silence or noise
below the sensitivity setting.
Test Mode
To activate the laser test pattern, do the following:
1. Press <MENU> repeatedly until tSt shows on the display.
2. Press <ENTER>.
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Scorpion Dual RGB User Manual Rev. 3