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CEPEX EXTREME SERIES DATASHEETS PP-H Diaphragm valve - spigot fusion Válvula de diafragma en PP-H - termofusión macho PRODUCT RANGE RANGO DE GAMA Sizes from DN15 up to DN50 Medidas desde DN15 hasta DN50 Working pressure at 20°C (73°F) water temperature: ...
CEPEX EXTREME SERIES DATASHEETS Material properties Propiedades del material DESCRIPTION DESCRIPCIÓN Polypropylene (PP) piping systems are widely used in Los sistemas de conducción en polipropileno (PP) son industrial processing. Light in weight yet with high impact ampliamente usados en procesos industriales. De peso...
CEPEX EXTREME SERIES DATASHEETS Features and Benefits Característi cas y Benefi cios FEATURES BENEFITS Excellent fl ow rate Minimum pressure loss due to non full bore Body made in PP w/fi ber glass reinforcement (30%) Excellent mechanical strenght Incorporated locking device...
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CEPEX EXTREME SERIES DATASHEETS Design regulations Normati vas de diseño PRODUCT - PRODUCTO DIAPHRAGM V. / V. DIAFRAGMA Use / Industrial Nominal diameter (DN) / Diámetro nominal (DN) DN10 – DN50 Nominal pressure (PN) / Presión trabajo (PN) PN10 @20ºC (73ºF)
CEPEX EXTREME SERIES DATASHEETS Graphics diaphragm valves Gráficas válvulas de diafragma PRESSURE / TEMPERATURE PRESIÓN / TEMPERATURA Service life: 25 years Maximum hydrostatic pressure a component may outstand in continous service (without overpressure) Vida útil: 25 años Presión hidrostática máxima...
Cepex, con especial atención a las dilataciones térmicas y en you are using the correct solvent or welding tools. la alineación de los tubos.
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CEPEX EXTREME SERIES DATASHEETS Operation and maintenance instructions Instrucciones de operación y mantenimiento We recommend checking the condition of the diaphragm on a Es recomendable revisar el estado de la junta de forma regular, ya que regular basis, since it may display signs of mechanical wear due se produce un desgaste mecánico debido a las presiones, a la manipu-...
CEPEX EXTREME SERIES DATASHEETS Troubleshooting Solución de problemas FAULT POSSIBLE CAUSE FAULT CLEARANCE The diaphragm is damaged in the Remove the valve and replace the The valve does not open fully. threaded stem seating area. diaphragm and the stem if necessary.
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CEPEX EXTREME SERIES DATASHEETS Certificate of compliance pressure equipment Certificado de conformidad equipos a presión...
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CEPEX EXTREME SERIES DATASHEETS Annexes Anexos Some interesting links to know more about the Algunos links interesantes para conocer más de company and the product: la empresa y del producto: · Website: www,cepexindustrial.com · Página web: www.cepexindustrial.com · Company certifications ·...