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CEPEX EXTREME SERIES DATASHEETS Butterfly valve (ABS disc) - LUG type Válvula de mariposa (disco en ABS) - tipo LUG [DN50 - DN200] [DN50 - DN300] PRODUCT RANGE RANGO DE GAMA ¢ Sizes from DN50 up to DN300 ¢ Medidas desde DN50 hasta DN300 [DN250 - DN300 - only gear box] [DN250 - DN300 - sólo con reductor manual]...
CEPEX EXTREME SERIES DATASHEETS Material properties Propiedades del material DESCRIPTION DESCRIPCIÓN Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) is a common El acrilonitrilo butadieno estireno (ABS) es un polímero thermoplastic polymer. Its glass transition temperature termoplástico común. Su temperatura de transición vítrea es is approximately 105 °C (221 °F).
CEPEX EXTREME SERIES DATASHEETS Features and Benefits Características y Benefi cios FEATURES BENEFITS Holes for installation compatible with several standards Same valve used worldwide One piece body made in PP w/fi ber glass reinforcement (30%) Excellent mechanical strenght Non wetted SS shaft (AISI 630)
CEPEX EXTREME SERIES DATASHEETS Graphics butterfly valves Gráficas válvulas de mariposa PRESSURE / TEMPERATURE PRESIÓN / TEMPERATURA psi bar Life: 25 years Hydrostatic maximum pressure a component may outstand in continous service (without overpressure) DN50 - DN200 Vida útil: 25 años DN250 - DN300 Presión hidrostática máxima...
CEPEX EXTREME SERIES DATASHEETS Components [gear box] Componentes [reductor manual] Gear box / reductor manual Aluminium housing Coupling bush / conexión SS AISI-304 Mounting clamp / soporte actuación PP + GR Screws / tornillería SS AISI-304...
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CEPEX EXTREME SERIES DATASHEETS Dimensions - LUG style (ISO-DIN) Medidas - tipo LUG (ISO-DIN) HOLES 125* 200* 250* HOLES 125* 200* 250* DN125 - for installation in pipes D125 and D140 DN125 - para instalación en tubería D125 y D140 DN200 - for installation in pipes D200 and D225 DN200 - para instalación en tubería D200 y D225...
(f = 0,4). some factor (f = 0,4). Por favor, consulte con el Departamento Técnico de Cepex Please ask to Cepex technical department for the specific para conocer las condiciones específicas de instalación y los conditions of installation and possible changes in the posibles cambios en las características de la válvula.
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CEPEX EXTREME SERIES DATASHEETS Operation and maintenance instructions Instrucciones de operación y mantenimiento It is recommended that the condition of the sealing gasket is checked Es recomendable revisar el estado de la junta de forma regular, ya que se regularly, since it may display signs of mechanical wear due to pressure, produce un desgaste mecánico debido a las presiones, a la manipulación y...
CEPEX EXTREME SERIES DATASHEETS Troubleshooting Solución de problemas FAULT POSSIBLE CAUSE FAULT CLEARANCE The disc does not fully open or close. The sockets were not correctly bevelled. Disassemble the valve and bevel the sockets as indicated in table T6.2. Foreign materials in the compartment Disassemble the valve and check for (adhesive, etc.).
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CEPEX EXTREME SERIES DATASHEETS Certificate of compliance pressure equipment Certificado de conformidad equipos a presión...
CEPEX EXTREME SERIES DATASHEETS Butterfly ball valve -limit switch box Válvulad de mariposa manual -caja final de carrera Extreme butterfly valve operated by handle with Limit Switch Válvula de mariposa Extreme accionada con maneta con Box in order to be able to read the valve position (open/clo- caja final de carrera para poder detectar la posición de la...
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CEPEX EXTREME SERIES DATASHEETS Annexes Anexos Some interesting links to know more about the Algunos links interesantes para conocer más de company and the product: la empresa y del producto: · Website: www,cepexindustrial.com · Página web: www.cepexindustrial.com · Company certifications ·...