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Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B175AAG
February, 2012
GCS404/GCS405 Series
Cylinder Scales
GCS400 Series
GCS404/GCS405 Seriess


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Resumen de contenidos para Brooks Instrument GCS404 Serie

  • Página 1 Installation and Operation Manual X-PR-GCS400-eng Part Number: 541B175AAG ® Brooks GCS404/GCS405 Seriess February, 2012 ® Brooks GCS404/GCS405 Series Cylinder Scales Brooks ® GCS400 Series...
  • Página 2 Essential Instructions Read this page before proceeding! Brooks Instrument designs, manufactures and tests its products to meet many national and international standards. Because these instruments are sophisticated technical products, you must properly install, use and maintain them to ensure they continue to operate within their normal specifications.
  • Página 3 We appreciate this opportunity to service your flow measurement and control requirements with a Brooks Instrument device. Every day, flow customers all over the world turn to Brooks Instrument for solutions to their gas and liquid low-flow applications. Brooks provides an array of flow measurement and control products for various industries from biopharmaceuticals, oil and gas, fuel cell research and chemicals, to medical devices, analytical instrumentation, semiconductor manufacturing, and more.
  • Página 4 Installation and Operation Manual X-PR-GCS400-eng Part Number: 541B175AAG ® Brooks GCS404/GCS405 Series February, 2012 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK...
  • Página 5: Tabla De Contenido

    Contents Installation and Operation Manual X-PR-GCS400-eng Part Number: 541B175AAG ® Brooks GCS404/GCS405 Series February, 2012 Paragraph Page Number Number Section 1 Introduction Product Description ........................1-1 How to Use This Manual ........................ 1-1 Product Support References ......................1-1 Notice and Caution Statements ..................... 1-2 Product Warranty ..........................
  • Página 6 Contents Installation and Operation Manual X-PR-GCS400-eng Part Number: 541B175AAG ® February, 2012 Brooks GCS404/GCS405 Series THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK...
  • Página 7: Section 1 Introduction

    Section 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual X-PR-GCS400-eng Part Number: 541B175AAG ® Brooks GCS404/GCS405 Series February, 2012 1-1 Product Description The robust GCS404 and GCS405 Cylinder Scales are designed to stand up to industry-grade abuse. A heavy gauge stainless steel housing provides superior resistance to harsh chemical and corrosive environments.
  • Página 8: Notice And Caution Statements

    Section 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual X-PR-GCS400-eng Part Number: 541B175AAG ® Brooks GCS404/GCS405 Series February, 2012 1-4 Notice and Caution Statements Warning, caution and notice statements are located throughout this manual in the ANSI format. A WARNING statement indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, COULD result in death or serious injury.
  • Página 9 Section 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual X-PR-GCS400-eng Part Number: 541B175AAG ® Brooks GCS404/GCS405 Series February, 2012 Table 1-1 GCS404/GCS405 Series Specifications Performance Material Stainless steel platform, base and sealed load cell Rubber shock pads Double-shielded cable for increased RFI protection Max Supply Current GCS404: 26 mA GCS405: 20 mA...
  • Página 10 Section 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual X-PR-GCS400-eng Part Number: 541B175AAG ® Brooks GCS404/GCS405 Series February, 2012 Figure 1-3 GCS405 Dimensions and Wiring Color Codes...
  • Página 11: Section 2 Installation

    If the packing case is damaged, the local carrier should be notified at once regarding their liability. A report should be submitted to Brooks Instrument at the address below. Brooks Instrument 407 W. Vine Street P.O.
  • Página 12: Transit Precautions

    Failure to follow these procedures may adversely affect the product’s performance and could void the product warranty. Inspect but DO NOT unwrap any parts until installation. Contact your Brooks Instrument representative with any problems. Perform all operations with standard gas handling procedures in accordance with all local codes for safety and ventilation.
  • Página 13: Non-Incendive Field Wiring 4-20 Ma, Gcs404 Series

    Section 2 Installation Installation and Operation Manual X-PR-GCS400-eng Part Number: 541B175AAG ® Brooks GCS404/GCS405 Series February, 2012 2-7-2 Non-Incendive Field Wiring 4-20 mA, GCS404 Series The non-incendive field wiring for the GCS404 series is shown in Figure 2-1. Figure 2-1 Non-Incendive Field Wiring 4-20 mA, GCS404 Series 2-7-3 Calibrating the Cylinder Scale Amplifier The GCS404 cylinder scale is factory calibrated.
  • Página 14: Gcs405 Cylinder Scale Installation

    Section 2 Installation Installation and Operation Manual X-PR-GCS400-eng Part Number: 541B175AAG Brooks ® GCS404/GCS405 Series February, 2012 2-8 GCS405 Cylinder Scale Installation Failure to follow these procedures may adversely affect the product’s performance and could void the product warranty. Inspect but DO NOT unwrap any parts until installation.
  • Página 15: Calibrating The Cylinder Scale Amplifier

    Section 2 Installation Installation and Operation Manual X-PR-GCS400-eng Part Number: 541B175AAG ® Brooks GCS404/GCS405 Series February, 2012 2-8-3 Calibrating the Cylinder Scale Amplifier The GCS405 cylinder scale is factory calibrated. However, if field adjustment is needed, follow the steps below. Exceeding the scale's capacity changes its calibration and may cause permanent damage.
  • Página 16 Section 2 Installation Installation and Operation Manual X-PR-GCS400-eng Part Number: 541B175AAG Brooks ® GCS404/GCS405 Series February, 2012 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK...
  • Página 17: Appendix A Essential Instructions

    Appendix A Essential Instructions Installation and Operation Manual X-PR-GCS400-eng Part Number: 541B175AAG ® Brooks GCS404/GCS405 Series February, 2012 Bulgarian Brooks Instrument Brooks Instrument. Brooks Instrument : (1) . (2) Brooks Instrument (PED) 0,5 bar (g) 25 mm 1" ( (PED).
  • Página 18 P ed instalací si p e t te následující instrukce! Spole nost Brooks Instrument konstruuje, vyrábí a testuje tento produkt tak, aby splnil mnoho národních a mezinárodních standard . P ístroje musí být ádn nainstalovány, používány a udržovány tak, aby byl zajišt n jejich nep etržitý provoz v rámci normálních technických specifikací. Musíte dodržovat následující...
  • Página 19 Appendix A Essential Instructions Installation and Operation Manual X-PR-GCS400-eng Part Number: 541B175AAG ® Brooks GCS404/GCS405 Series February, 2012 Dansk Grundlæggende vejledninger Læs disse før anvendelse! Brooks Instruments designer, fremstiller og afprøver sine produkter således, at de tilpasser sig både de indenrigs og internationale standarder. Disse udstyr bør installeres, bruges og repareres omhyggeligt, så...
  • Página 20 Lees ze voordat u verder gaat! Brooks Instrument ontwerpt, produceert en test haar producten zodanig dat ze voldoen aan vele nationale en internationale normen. Deze producten moeten correct worden geïnstalleerd, bediend en onderhouden zodat ze binnen hun normale specificaties blijven werken. De volgende instructies moeten worden toegevoegd aan en geïntegreerd in uw veiligheidsprogramma als u producten van Brooks Instrument installeert, bedient en onderhoudt.
  • Página 21 Olulised juhised Enne kasutamist lugege hoolikalt läbi! Brooks Instrument konstrueerib, valmistab ja katsetab oma tooteid selliselt, et need vastaksid paljude erinevate riiklike ja rahvusvaheliste standardite nõuetele. Ainult nõuetekohane paigaldamine, kasutamine ja hooldamine tagab toodete katkematu talitluse tavaspetsifikatsiooni raames. Brooks Instrument'i toodete paigaldamisel, kasutamisel ja hooldamisel tuleb täita alljärgnevaid juhiseid ja integreerida need asjakohasesse ohutusprogrammi.
  • Página 22 Perusohjeet Lue ensin ohjeet huolellisesti! Brooks Instrument suunnittelee, valmistaa ja testaa laitteensa vastaamaan useimpien kotimaisten ja kansainvälisten standardien vaatimuksia. Tuotteet tulee asentaa, käyttää ja huoltaa käyttöohjeiden mukaan jotta niiden toimivuus taataan. Brooks Instrumentin laitteiden asennuksessa, käytössä ja huollossa on noudatettava soveltuvia määräyksiä ja ohjeita, lisäksi mainitut ohjeet on huomioitava työsuojelun ohjeistuksessa.
  • Página 23 Brooks Instrument et que des personnes qualifiées effectuent le remplacement. Les pièces et procédures non autorisées peuvent porter atteinte au fonctionnement du produit et mettre en péril la sécurité de votre procédé. Les remplacements par des pièces d’apparence similaire peuvent entraîner des incendies, des risques électriques ou un mauvais fonctionnement.
  • Página 24 Bitte zuerst lesen! Brooks Instrument entwickelt, produziert und testet seine Produkte derart, dass sie viele nationale und internationale Standards erfüllen. Nur bei korrektem Einbau sowie richtiger Bedienung und Wartung dieser Produkte ist ein Betrieb unter Einhaltung der Standardvorgaben sichergestellt. Die folgenden Anweisungen müssen eingehalten werden und in Ihr Sicherheitsprogramm integriert werden, wenn Sie Brooks Produkte installieren, bedienen und warten.
  • Página 25 Appendix A Essential Instructions Installation and Operation Manual X-PR-GCS400-eng Part Number: 541B175AAG ® Brooks GCS404/GCS405 Series February, 2012 Greek Brooks Instrument Brooks Instrument. ’ Brooks Instrument. : (1) . (2) Brooks Instrument. (PED) 0,5 bar (g) 25 mm (PED). PED.
  • Página 26 El ször olvassa el ezeket! A Brooks Instrument olyan módon tervezi, gyártja és teszteli termékeit, hogy azok megfeleljenek számos belföldi és nemzetközi szabványnak. Ezeket a berendezéseket megfelel en kell telepíteni, üzemeltetni és karbantartani ahhoz, hogy mindenképpen a normál m ködési tartományuknak megfelel en üzemelhessenek.
  • Página 27 Leggerle subito! La Brooks Instrument progetta, fabbrica e collauda i propri prodotti in maniera tale che siano conformi ai vari standard nazionali ed internazionali. Tali apparecchiature devono essere installate, messe in esercizio e tenute in manutenzione in maniera adeguata affinché operino in conformità alle loro normali specifiche di funzionamento.
  • Página 28 P rliecinieties par to, lai pirms instrumenta tehnisk s apkopes b tu likvid ts procesa l nijas spiediens. Ja ir nepieciešams veikt k du da u nomai u, nodrošiniet, lai tiktu izmantotas „Brooks Instrument” nor d t s da as un da u nomai u veiktu kvalific ts person ls. Neat autu da u un proced ru izmantošana var ietekm s ražojuma sniegumu un samazin t procesa droš...
  • Página 29 25 mm arba 1 colio ar mažesni matuokliai atitinka tinkam inžinerijos praktik (SEP). Europoje taikomi elektromagnetinio suderinamumo (EMC) reikalavimai CE ženklu pažym ta „Brooks Instrument“ (elektrin / elektronin ) ranga buvo s kmingai išbandyta pagal elektromagnetinio suderinamumo reikalavimus (EMC direktyv 2004/108/EC (89/336/EEB)).
  • Página 30 / lub uszkodzenia sprz tu. Je eli jakie zalecenia w instrukcji obs ugi urz dzenia s niezrozumia e, prosimy o skontaktowanie si z przedstawicielem firmy Brooks Instrument, aby wyja ni problem.
  • Página 31 Antes de proceder, leia-as! A Brooks Instrument projecta, fabrica e testa os seus produtos de forma a que os mesmos satisfaçam numerosas normas nacionais e internacionais. Os equipamentos devem ser instalados, explorados e mantidos de maneira adequada, e devem funcionar de acordo com a sua gama de utilização. Durante a instalação, exploração e manutenção dos equipamentos da Brooks Instrument, as instruções seguintes devem ser observadas e integradas no programa de...
  • Página 32 În m sura în care indica iile c r ii ma inii nu sunt suficient de l muritoare, lua i leg tura cu reprezentantul Brooks Instrument pentru clarificarea problemei. P stra i toate avertismentele, avizele i instruc iunile livrate odat cu instala ia sau inscrip ionate pe aceasta.
  • Página 33 Pre íta pred inštaláciou! Brooks Instrument svoje výrobky projektuje, vyrába a testuje takým spôsobom, aby tieto vyhoveli domácim aj medzinárodným normám. Tieto zariadenia je potrebné predpísaným spôsobom inštalova , prevádzkova a udržiava , na zabezpe enie ich spo ahlivej a normálnej prevádzky v celom pracovnom rozsahu.
  • Página 34 Najprej preberite jih Brooks Instrument tako konstruira, izdeluje in terstira svoje izdelke, da oni ustrezajo številnim doma im in mednarodnim standardom. Te naprave se morajo ustrezno instalirati, koristiti in vzdrževati, da vsekakor delajo ustrezno normalnom podro ju funkcioniranja. Naslednjih navodil se mora držati in potrebno je vgraditi v program varstva pri delu pri instaliranju, koriš...
  • Página 35 ¡Léalos primero! El Brooks Instrument proyecta, fabrica y prueba sus productos de manera que éstos respondan a numerosas normas nacionales e internacionales. Dichas instalaciones deben ser emplazadas, operadas y mantenidas adecuadamente, para que puedan marchar de todas formas en conformidad con el alcance normal de funcionamiento.
  • Página 36 Läs detta innan du fortsätter ! Brooks Instrument konstruerar, tillverkar och testar sina produkter med syfte att uppfylla alla nationella och internationella standarder. Dessa produkter måste installeras på rätt sätt, handhas och underhållas för att de skall fungera kontinuerligt enligt deras normala specifikation. De följande anvisningarna bör följas och integreras till Ert säkerhetsprogram varje gång när Brooks Instruments produkter installeras, handhas och underhålls.
  • Página 37 Installation and Operation Manual X-PR-GCS400-eng Part Number: 541B175AAG ® Brooks GCS404/GCS405 Series February, 2012 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK...
  • Página 38 +49 351 215 2040 China +86 21 5079 8828 Japan +81 3 5633 7100 Singapore +6297 9741 Due to Brooks Instrument's commitment to continuous improvement of our products, all specifications are subject to change without notice. TRADEMARKS Brooks ............Brooks Instrument, LLC...

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Gcs405 serie

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