Conductivity Channel Setup
(PaTH: H \ COnFIG \ Meas \ Channel Setup)
10 Conductivity Calibration
(PaTH: H \ Cal \ Calibrate Sensor)
Select method 1-point
One-Point Calibration
Choose one of the measurements M1 to M6. available units of measurement are:
Ω-cm, S/cm, S/m, °C, °F, pH Calc, CO2 Calc, TDS (CaCO3, naCl), % H2SO4,
% HCL, % naCl, % HnO3, % H3PO4, % Rej, a+B, a-B, a/B.
Best performance is normally obtained by utilizing the factory calibrated cell con-
stants stored in the UniCond2e and Cond4e sensor memory. These constants are
automatically downloaded when the sensor is connected to the M800.
Press the "CaL" button for starting calibration.
Place the electrode in the reference solution and press "nEXT" button.
Enter the value for the calibration point (Point1).
Press the "nEXT" button to start the calculation of the calibration results.
The display shows the value for the slope and the offset as the result of the calibration.
The calibration values are stored in the calibration history and taken over (button
"aDJUST"), stored in the cal history and not taken over (button "CaLIBRaTE") or
discarded (button "CanCEL").