Configuración de los participantes
Participant Roles
The system facilitates meetings in part by adjusting features and permissions based on the role assigned to each participant
device. Participant roles affect:
Speaker limitations: The chairperson can speak at any time, while delegates may need to wait their turn.
Speak priority: Participants can interrupt another active speaker depending on rank.
Hardware controls: Button functions depend on the role of the speaker.
For example, since the chairperson is responsible for the meeting, additional controls and permissions are granted to per
form additional tasks and to speak at any time without waiting in line. Others are listeners and have minimal speaking per
The following is a summary of the roles in the system:
Brief description
Moderator or leader of the event
Typical participant
No microphone required
Improves audio mix
Delegates can remotely participate in
Remote Caller
Two delegates share one conference
Dual Delegate
The chairperson is a participant with additional permissions
for controlling delegate microphones, accessing meeting con
trols, and overriding delegate speakers at any time.
Delegates represent the majority of participants in a meeting.
Depending on the microphone operation, delegates may
need to wait in the request queue until it is their turn to speak.
Participants use the device only to listen to the floor mix
(using the loudspeaker) or to an interpretation channel (using
headphones). There are no speaking permissions in this role,
but a chairperson can turn on this microphone manually.
This role is for spare, utility devices to add natural room am
bient noise to the floor mix to aid during pauses in speech or
brief breaks between agenda items when no other partici
pants are on the speaker list. There are no listening or spea
king permissions in this role.
Go to Meetings Controls > Advanced > Enable
ambient microphones.
Connect a cell phone to a conference unit configured to the
remote caller role. A remote caller occupies any of the 8
unassigned microphone slots, and remains on the speak list
during the event.
Both the left and right buttons are configured as speak but
tons, one for each participant. The speaker list shows both
delegates as individual speakers, but only one uplink channel
is being used by the shared microphone. Both delegates can
cast votes.
Shure Incorporated