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OVEN PROBE (Smart HQ app only)
Consuming undercooked food can result in foodborne illness. Use probe according t o t he following
inst ruct ions t o ensure all port ions of t he food reach minimum safe cooking t emperat ures. Recommendat ions for
minimum safe food t emperat ures can be found at
foodsafet y.gov or IsIt DoneYet .gov.
Int ernal food t emperat ure is frequent ly used as an indicat or
of doneness, especially for roast s and poult ry. The Probe
mode monit ors t he int ernal food t emperat ure and t urns t he
oven off when t he int ernal food t emperat ure reaches t he
programmed t emperat ure.
Always check t he t emperat ure at mult iple locat ions in t he
food wit h a food t hermomet er aft er cooking t o ensure t hat
all port ions of t he food have reached t he minimum safe
int ernal t emperat ure for t hat food.
Proper Probe Placement
Aft er preparing t he meat and placing it on t he cooking pan
follow t hese inst ruct ions for proper probe placement .
Insert t he probe int o t he food, so t hat t he t ip of t he probe
will rest in t he cent er of t he t hickest part of t he food.
For best performance t he probe should be fully insert ed
int o t he food. If t he probe is not locat ed properly, it may
not accurat ely measure t he t emperat ure of t he coolest
port ion of t he food. Some foods, part icularly small it ems,
are not well suit ed for cooking wit h t he probe due t o t heir
shape or size.
The probe should not t ouch bone, fat or grist le.
For whole poult ry insert t he probe int o t he t hickest part
of t he breast .
For boneless roast s, insert t he probe int o t he cent er of
t he roast .
For bone- in ham or lamb, insert t he probe int o t he cent er
of t he lowest large muscle or joint .
For casseroles or dishes such as meat loaf, insert t he
probe int o t he cent er of t he dish.
For fish, insert t he probe from just above t he gill int o t he
meat iest area, parallel t o t he backbone.
Probe Usage
The t emperat ure probe can only be used wit h Bake,
Convect ion Bake, and Convect ion Roast t hrough t he
Smart HQ app.
To use t he probe wit h preheat ing:
1. Select t he desired cook mode ( Bake , Convect ion Bake ,
or Convect ion Roast ) t hrough t he app, and select t he
desired cooking t emperat ure.
2. Insert t he probe int o t he food (see Proper Probe
Placement ).
3. Once t he oven is preheat ed, place t he food in t he oven
and connect t he probe t o t he probe out let , making sure
it is fully insert ed. Use caut ion, t he oven walls and probe
out let are hot .
4. When t he probe is connect ed, t he app will prompt you
t o ent er t he desired food t emperat ure. The maximum
int ernal food t emperat ure t hat you can set is 200° F.
To use t he probe wit hout preheat ing:
1. Insert t he probe int o t he food (see Proper Probe
Placement ).
2. Place t he food in t he oven and connect t he probe int o t he
probe out let in t he oven.
3. Through t he app, select t he desired cook mode ( Bake ,
Convect ion Bake , or Convect ion Roast ), cooking
t emperat ure, and desired food t emperat ure.
Probe Care Guidelines
Use of probes ot her t han t he one provided wit h t his
product may result in damage t o t he probe out let .
Use t he handles of t he probe and plug when insert ing and
removing t hem from t he meat and out let
To avoid damaging your probe, do not use t ongs t o pull
on t he cable when removing it .
To avoid breaking t he probe, make sure food is
complet ely defrost ed before insert ing t he probe.
To prevent possible burns, do not unplug t he probe from
t he out let unt il t he oven has cooled.
Never leave t he probe inside t he oven during a self or
st eam clean cycle.
Do not st ore t he probe in t he oven.
49- 2001025 Rev. 0



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