Before start-up
For best results, run your dehumidifier in a closed
space. Close doors and windows. Place the unit by a
wall, free of obstacles and free of anything that ob-
structs the airflow (inlet and outlet).
Always leave the device upright for at least one hour
after transport. Oil from the compressor can then flow
back into the compressor from the cooling coils. The
device must be upright and level.
Discharge hose connection
Your dehumidifier comes with a drainage hose. The
hose can be attached to the unit with a quick connec ʼ
tor. Unwind the drainage hose and place the end into a
sink, drain, bucket or outside the area to be dehumidi-
fied where the water can drain away. If using a bucket,
empty the bucket regularly so that it does not overflow.
NB. Always roll out the drainage hose completely.
Never place the end higher than 3.5 metres. Check the
hose for kinks and obstacles, so that the condensation
water is not obstructed in its flow.
This prevents leakage from the pump.