General Considerations
The in for ma tion in this ma nual re pla ces any pre vio usly pu bli shed in for ma tion.
Si cep re ser ves the right to mo dify pri ces and pro ducts' cha rac te ri stics at any
time, wit ho ut fur ther no ti ce.
Be fo re car rying out any ope ra tions, the pro duct and the pre sent ma nual must
be tho ro ughly chec ked.
All in for ma tion con ta i ned in this ma nual have been chec ked and ve ri fied, du -
ring the is su ing of the ma nual it self. Ho we ver, SICEP shall have the right to
mo dify and im pro ve the pro duct de scri bed, at any time wit ho ut fur ther no ti ce.
Packaging disposal
The car dbo ard pac ka ging be longs to class 15 01 01. Di spo se of it ac cor ding
to the law in your area.
Battery disposal
The lead bat tery be longs to class 16 06 01. Di spo se of it ac cor ding to the law
in your area.
Equipment disposal
As a who le unit, the de vi ce is not clas si fied as SUW (So lid Urban Wa -
ste), as it in clu des elec tro nic cards that can be clas si fied as 16 02 14
and 20 01 36.
The cros sed-out whe e led-bin symbol on your pro duct re mind you that
elec tri cal and elec tro nic de vi ces must be ta ken to col lec tions lo ca tion
at the end of the ir wor king life. Do not di spo se of the se pro duct as un -
sor ted mu ni ci pal wa ste.
The WEEE Di rec ti ve (2012/19/EU, Wa ste Elec tri cal and Elec tro nic
Equip ment) set col lec tion, recycling and re co very tar gets for all types of
elec tri cal go ods.
The ir col lec tion may be made by the di stri bu tor or they can be ta ken to col -
lec tions lo ca tion when the re qui re ments of Di rec ti ve 2012/19/UE are met.
In any case, it is ne ces sary to con tri bu te to the re u se, recycling and ot her
forms of re co very of WEEE.
The SICEP com pany is re gi ste red as a pro du cer at the Elec tri cal and Elec -
tro nic Equip ment Na tio nal Re gi ster and ad he res to the col lec ti ve
ma na ge ment system set forth in Di rec ti ve 2012/19/EU thro ugh Con sor zio
RLG with ID IT17070000009970.
Pag. 11
Impro per Di spo sal of Elec tri cal and Elec tro nic Equip ment (EEE) or
part of them and/or the pre sen ce of ha zar do us sub stan ces in EEE
may have har mful ef fects on the en vi ron ment and hu man he alth.
Cap. 1 - General Considerations