Deleting the keypad
This ope ra tion is only ne ces sary if the key pad has pre vio usly been re gi ste -
red on anot her system.
The key pad must be open.
Press the Test and Re set but ton. Re le a se the Re set but ton ke e ping
the ot her but ton pres sed un til the red LED comes on (this ope ra tion will
take a few se conds).
At the end of the pro ce du re, the key pad re quest the user lan gua ge .
Registering on the system
Press the "Add de vi ce" but ton at the bot tom of the MVC "RFDe vi ces"
Wake up the key pad by pres sing the but ton
ton. Scroll thro ugh the list with
Key pad" and press
Once re gi ste red, the cor re spon ding item will ap pe ar in the RFDe vi ce
Map, to get her with the in di ca tion of the type of de vi ce (KPW).
Programming the parameters
For the pro gram ming of pa ra me ters and any con fi gu ra tion for tran sfer thro -
ugh REP, re fer to the con trol unit Instal la tion Ma nual, in the Wi re less Key pad
con fi gu ra tion section.
Programming, Logo, Zones and devices (manual mode)
To chan ge ma nually logo, the wi red Zo nes and the wi re less de vi ces pro ce -
ed as follows:
To enter the menu, enter a valid password and press the but ton
Select "Key bo ard Setup" and press
Select the desi red item bet we en "Edit LOGO", "Edit Zone" and "Edit
DEVICES" and press
Once selec ted the item to chan ge with the arrow keys, press
aga in.
Appe ars the name set ted with the cur sor blin king.
Pag. 15
Cap. 4 - Programming
. Press the
but tons, se lect "Reg./Del.
but -