5. Open the valve on the vacuum lid and begin vacuuming.
6. For top performance, clean the filters regularly.
7. FOR DRY RECOVERY, be sure the filter bags are in place.
8. FOR WET RECOVERY, remove the GTC-175 and GTC-176 filter bags, but
leave the VACP-51 Filter Guard in place.
9. When finished vacuuming, always shut off the main air supply and open
the valve at the vacuum to relieve pressure in the air line.
Loss of Suction:
1. Make sure air supply is fully turned on.
2. Check the air supply for obstructions or restrictions such as
insufficiently sized air line or regulator.
3. Make sure valve on vacuum lid is fully opened.
4. Check for clogged filters.
5. Check hose and tools for obstructions or holes.
6. Check vacuum intake for clogging.
7. Check that tank is not too full.
8. Check drum for smooth, even top for proper vacuum seal.
9. Check vacuum lid or drum adapter sealing ring.
10. Check drum for holes or leaks.
11. Check the venturi nozzle for clogging and clean if necessary.