1. The products issued by Vertex Life SL under any of its brands as of January 1, 2022 have
the guarantee conditions provided for in the transposition of European Union directives
regarding contracts for the sale of goods and the supply of content or digital services.
Modification of the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and
Users and other complementary laws, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of
November 16, which have been carried out through the approval of Royal Decree 7/ 2021
of April 27, and Royal Decree Law 24/2021, of November 2.
2. Vertex Life SL, in accordance with the aforementioned royal decrees, is liable to the user for
any lack of conformity of its products that manifest during the first three years from the
date of acquisition of the good. In case of doubt about the date, the date of purchase of the
product reflected in the purchase invoice will prevail. Unless proven or evidence to the
contrary, it will be presumed that the lack of conformity of the product that is manifested in
the first two years from that date, already existed when the product was launched, except
when for the goods this presumption is incompatible with its nature. or the nature of the
3. In accordance with the standard, the consumer or user will cooperate with the manufacturer
and its CENSAT after-sales service to the extent reasonably possible and necessary to
establish whether the cause of the lack of conformity is attributable to a manufacturing
defect or to other reasons. The obligation to cooperate will be limited to the technical means
available that are less intrusive for the consumer or user. When the consumer or user refuses
to cooperate, the consumer or user being here informed of this obligation of said requirement
in a clear and understandable manner, the burden of proof as to whether or not the lack of
conformity existed at the time indicated in article 120, sections 1 or 2, as applicable, will fall
on the consumer or user.
4. For the guarantee to be effective, it will be essential that the user has complied with the
installation and maintenance obligations required in the Regulation of Technical Installations
of Buildings (RITE) collected, among others, in articles 15 to 42.
5. The guarantee will not be operative in the following cases:
Breakdown or malfunction caused by incorrect installation according to the assembly
instructions or non-compliance with current regulations in the installation of the appliance
or in the flue gas evacuation chimney or in the hydraulic or electrical networks.
Installations carried out in breach of the installation requirements of current state or
regional regulations. On a prevalent but not exclusive basis, those included in the
Regulation of Thermal Installations of Buildings (RITE) for equipment with nominal
thermal power equal to or greater than 5 kW.
Equipment in which the maintenance obligations for users of current state or regional
regulations have been breached. Prevalently but not exclusively, those included in the
Building Installations Regulations (RITE) for equipment with nominal thermal power equal
to or greater than 5 kW. In this sense, the alarm notification of the unit's operating hours