There is a triac built into all standard
This must receive a trigger signal to switch on the heater element.
When using a central thermostat, this will switch the mains voltage on and off.
An electronic ballast (a self-starter) is required to activate the triac in the heater and switch
on the heater element. The SLX is such a module. The SLX detects whether the central
thermostat is switching the mains voltage on or off and then switches the heater triac on and
off at the same time.
NB: Some electronic thermostats require a certain base load to operate. The SLX may not
provide a high enough load.
How the SLX works
When the SLX is plugged into
H40/H60 heaters, they can be
usedas slave heaters. The SLX
registers when the central room
thermostat is on and the
operating voltage is being
The SLX will then send a signal
to each heater's built-in triac
that connects the heater
element in H40/H60 heaters
with SLX, instructing it to switch
onand off synchronously with
the central room thermostat.
Produced by Adax AS. Adax orders office: Tel.: +47 33 77 17 55. Service: Tel.: +47 33 77 17 50
Postal address. PO Box 38, N-3061 Svelvik, Norway.
H40/H60 heaters.
T E C H N O L O G Y A N D D E S I G N C O M I N G T O G E T H E R 62295