Modular Plug
Trip Button
Install New Trip Lever
Remove the tank cover from the toilet.
Note the outward orientation of the trip button. The orientation
needs to be duplicated during installation.
Press the tab on the modular plug and unplug the cord from the
back of the trip button.
Squeeze the snap-fit fingers on the trip button. While squeezing,
push the trip button from inside the tank outward until the trip
button is free. Use pliers to squeeze snap-fit fingers if necessary.
Install the new trip button through the tank hole, positioning the
larger snap-fit finger to the back of the tank. Push the trip button
into the tank until the snap-fit fingers clear the tank.
Reinsert the modular plug into the trip button.
Test the new trip button by pressing both the long and short flush
buttons, one at a time.
Replace the tank cover.
Kohler Co.
Trip Button