Reverse Osmosis Cartridge—The cartridge, inside
the Reverse Osmosis housing, includes a tightly
wound, special membrane. Water is forced through
the cartridge where the membrane removes the
dissolved solids and organic matter. High quality
product water exits the Reverse Osmosis housing
and goes to the storage tank. Reject water, with the
dissolved solids and organic matter, leaves the
housing and is discharged to the drain through
1⁄4" tubing.
Postfilter—After leaving the storage area,
but before going to the system faucet, product
water goes to the postfilter which is inside the
sump. The postfilter is also a replaceable
sediment cartridge that contains activated
carbon. Any remaining tastes, odors or
sediments are removed from product water
by the postfilter. Clean, high quality drinking
water flows through the tubing and to the
system faucet.
Flow Control—The flow control regulates the flow
of water through the Reverse Osmosis cartridge
at the required rate to produce high quality
water. The control is located in the Reverse
Osmosis housing drain port. A small, cone-
shaped screen fits over the front end of the flow
control to prevent clogging due to sediments in
drain water. The flow control should be replaced
each time the Reverse Osmosis membrane is
1/4" tubing
valve tee
Drain elbow
Flow control