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TTS OTI-BOT Guia De Inicio Rapido página 28


More Information At...
RM Resources
Building 1
Heyworth Road
NG15 6XJ, UK
To maint ain compliance w it h FCC' s RF Exposure guidelines, This equipment
should be inst alled and operat ed w it h minimum dist ance bet w een 2 0 cm t he
radiat or your body: Use only t he supplied ant enna.
Changes or modif icat ions not expressly approved by t he part y responsible
f or compliance could void t he user's aut horit y t o operat e t he equipment .
Battery: Li-Ion (21700); 3.6V, 5000mAh
Made in China on behalf of RM Resources
RM Resources
Papendorp Park
Papendorpseweg 100
Utrecht 3528 BJ
FCC ID - 2ADRE-IT10287
Recommended 5V/1A Charger
Product Code: IT10287
Tel: 0800 138 1370
Fax: 0800 137 525
3 Years +

