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Samsung DVD-R120/AXAX Instrucciones De Servicio página 197


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Reference Information
14-1-2 Fiexibility and Cost Reduction
Many image processing application engineers face a familiar group of problems when designing and building a
system. The end user requires system flexib ility, simple adaptation, fast delivery times, and most importantly a
reasonable price. With conve ntional systems, whether analogor digital, engine ers must confine them selves to
certain combina tions of the existing cameras, frame grabbers, and software. The product choice for this system
config uration is limited. Unless the decision is made to use a high cost frame grabber that supports multiple cam-
eras, sometimes known as multi-norm , it is usually not possible to operate camera s with different resolutions
from the same frame grabber.
For many applications, the introductio n of digital cameras is hindered by the cost specified by the end custom er,
however technically effective digital cameras may be. With the increa sed use of IEEE-1394 in the industrial image
processing business, many of these problems are solvable in a sure , safe , and cost effec tive way.
1) Hardware Cost Example
This example compares two simi lar vision systems. Each system uses four Megapixel
resolution digital cameras . The traditio nal solu tion consists of one frame grabber per camera, one parallel digital
data cable per camera, and one power supply per camera.
The 1394 solution requi res one hub and one interface card to connect the four cameras , along
with five ine xpensive 1394 cables. The 1394 cables carry power to the cameras directly from the computers inter-
nal power supply. (Note tha t not all compute rs are capab le of supplyi ng enough power for the cameras. In
some cases a separate power supply may be required.)
Traditional Solution
with multiple frame grabbers
Four Cameras
Four Frame Grabbers
Four Cable
Four power Supplies
1394 Solution
Four 1394 Cameras
One 1394 Interface Card
One 1394 Hub
Five Cables
Samsung Electronics

