Common malfunctions
Wheels can't rotate smoothly
Wheels or plastic parts
Brake is not working
Product can't go straightly or
the steering is not flexible
Possible reason
There is obstacle stuck
between the wheel and
the wheel base.
The axle is worn out.
The friction between axle
and wheel increase.
The axle is bend due to over-
load or heavy impact.
Broken caused by the heavy
impact or the big difference
in temperature.
Brake pedal is abnormal or
Accidental impact deforma-
tion during transportation or
in using.
There is obstacle stuck in the
rolling parts.
Handling method
Remove the obstacle.
Ask the dealer to replace
new wheels.
Add a little household clean-
er or vaselline to lubricate.
Ask the dealer to repair or
replace new axle.
Ask the dealer to repair or
replace the new parts.
Ask the dealer to repair.
Ask the dealer to repair.
Remove the obstacle.