Cau on: Read Instruc ons before opera ng device
Cau on: Device should be installed by a trained wheelchair
Cau on: Device should be a ached to a wheelchair back that conforms with
ISO16840-3 or equivalent.
Cau on: Use cau on when installing, removing or adjus ng device to avoid
pinching or trapping fingers.
Cau on: Always ghten all fasteners securely and inspect
fasteners regularly for ghtness.
Cau on: Use cau on near igni on sources or open flame.
Product Iden fica on
Small, with Smooth Cover Small, with Knit Cover
Medium, with Smooth Cover
Large, with Smooth Cover
Components of the So Headrest Pad.
Installa on and Assembly
Unzip Cover
Soft Headrest Pad
Medium, with Knit Cover
Large, with Knit Cover
Headrest mount not
Therafin Corp. 6/2022