12 Information about electromagnetic compatibility | 12.1 Guidelines and manufacturer's declaration - electromag-
Measurements of emitted in-
HF emissions according to EN
55011 (CISPR 11)
HF emissions according to EN
55011 (CISPR 11)
Emission of harmonics according
to IEC 61000-3-2
Emission of voltage fluctuations/
flicker according to IEC
12 Information about electromagnetic compatibility
12.1 Guidelines and manufacturer's declaration -
electromagnetic emission
The elements e-motion is intended for use in an environment of the kind spe-
cified below. The customer or user of the elements e-motion should make sure
that the device is used in an environment of the specified type.
Group 1
Class B
Class A
In conformance
12.2 Guidelines and manufacturer's statement -
Electromagnetic immunity
The elements e-motion is intended for use in an environment of the kind spe-
cified below. The customer or user of the elements e-motion should make sure
that the device is used in an environment of the specified type.
Instructions for use elements e-motion Dental Motor
Electromagnetic environment
The elements e-motion uses HF
energy exclusively for its internal
functions. Therefore, the HF
emission of the device is very low
and interference with adjacent
electronic devices is unlikely.
The elements e-motion is suitable
for use in all facilities, including
residential facilities, and areas
that are directly connected to a
public supply mains that also
supplies buildings used for resid-
ential purposes.
The elements e-motion is suitable
for use in all facilities, including
residential facilities, and areas
that are directly connected to a
public supply mains that also
supplies buildings used for resid-
ential purposes.
The elements e-motion is suitable
for use in all facilities, including
residential facilities, and areas
that are directly connected to a
public supply mains that also
supplies buildings used for resid-
ential purposes.
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netic emission