Quick guide to achieving maximum success with your YARD GARD
• Turning the frequency dial all the way clockwise (11 o'clock) is the strongest setting at
the lowest frequency. However, that may not specifically target the animal you are
trying to repel. The larger the animal, the lower the frequency it hears. Please use the
chart under the dial as a guide.
• The unit at its lowest frequency is in human range to some.
• Motion Sensor operation is highly effective for most pests in most situations. For
maximum effectiveness in challenging infestations, Constant ON is the most effective
deterrent. You must use the unit on AC power for Constant use.
• The unit works on a line of sight. The ultrasonic frequency travels outward in a cone
shaped pattern. Place unit in an area where you will achieve maximum coverage. Raise
unit two to three feet above ground or at eye level of pest.
• The sound waves cannot penetrate through solid walls or objects, they ricochet off of
solid surfaces (i.e: walls, fences large trees, etc.) and tend to be absorbed by soft
• The range dial only needs to be adjusted if using the Motion Sensor.
• The chirp sound is normal when unit detects motion or when first turned on.
• Although the unit is harmless to animals, your pets may avoid the area that's within
range of the unit. They cannot hear the unit unless they are within range of it.
• The modification of an animal's behavior takes time. Please allow two to three weeks to
achieve results with the recommended settings. Try changing settings once a week.
For further details, please refer to your Instruction Manual.