Typical Yard Gard Questions and Answers
How long do the batteries last?
Depending on usage, the batteries last about 1 month while on the MS mode.
The unit will not turn OFF while on the MS mode. What can be wrong?
The unit stays ON if the batteries are low and need to be changed.
Why can some people hear it?
Sounds are generally audible to the human ear if their frequency (number of vibrations per
second) lies between 20 and 18,000 vibrations per second, but the range varies considerably
with the individual. However, some mammals can hear well above this (bats can
hear over 100,000 vibrations per second). The Yard Gard operates at 15,000 to 25,000
vibrations per second.
How do I change the light bulb in the motion sensor?
You can't. You will have to purchase a new unit if it is past the 6 month warranty.
Can my dog/cat hear this?
Yes, but it will not harm them or bother them unduly if it is not facing them.
How do I know it's working?
In the "Cont. AC Only" setting, the red light should be on. In the "MS AC or Battery"setting, the
red light should come on when something passes in front of the unit. Also, the unit should
make a chirping noise when turned on and/or when the red light (see above) first comes on.
Why does it make a chirping noise ‐ I thought it was supposed to be silent to
The chirping sound is the unit powering up or when you use the motion sensor either with
batteries or electric. It needs to travel through the audible sound levels before it reaches the
ultrasonic frequency. The chirp is normal.