Special function automatic ventilation
This function is selected via the DIP-Switch 1, 4, 7 (see also: Operating
Elements). The actuators are moved open by pressing OPEN or STOP and
closed automatically after a time that can be set in the MZ2 configuration
software from 0.2 to 51 minutes, if this function was activated via the PC
configuration software.
Special function key operated switch
This function is selected via the DIP-Switch 2, 5, 8 (see also: Operating
Elements). If a switch is connected, for which Stop (OPEN and CLOSED pu-
shed at the same time) can not be selected directly, then the special function
key-operated switch is to be selected. The function is started here by turning
the key operated ventilation switch in "Open" or "Closed". The switch must be
reset into the rest position. Renewed selection of "Open" or "Closed" is
interpreted as pressing STOP.
Special function "no self-initiated-stopping"
Select this function with DIP-Switch positions 3, 6 and 9 (see also: Control- &
indicator panels). This function applies when using regular vent- and vent key
switches. The actuators only operate as long as the switch is being actively
pushed in the "OPEN" or "CLOSE" position. Any time the switch is released;
this will be interpreted and carried out as a "STOP" signal by the installation.
Press of the pushbutton "Ventilation OPEN"
The type of actuator outputs switched depends on the allocation table and
the configuration of the MCU (see also: Description of the MCU-module,
MZ2 configuration software). The standard function is: The allocated actuator
groups are switched in the direction of movement "UP". In so doing the func-
tions: "Delay time", "Release output", "Switch on delay" and "Step automatic"
are taken into consideration (see also: Description Motor Module).
Press of the pushbutton "Ventilation closed"
The type of actuator outputs switched depends on the allocation table and
the configuration of the MCU (see also: Description of the MCU module, MZ2
configuration software).
The standard function is: The allocated actuator groups are switched in the
direction of movement "CLOSED". In so doing the functions: "Delay",
"Release output", "Switch on delay" and "Step automatic" are taken into
consideration (see also: Description Motor Module).
Press of the pushbutton "Ventilation STOP"
The type of actuator outputs switched depends on the allocation table and
the configuration of the MCU (see also: Description of the MCU module, MZ2
configuration software). The standard function is: The actuator groups are
switched off.
Indication "Ventilation Open"
The LED indicator of the vent switch is controlled by signal output on clamps
4, 8 and 12. If an actor, designated to the ventilation group, is not in the
"CLOSE" position, a signal output will be activated. A 24 V DC current, with
max. 50 mA, will then be made available to sufficiently operate 10 connected
vent switches.
The LED indicator light "Ventilation Open" flashes when a wind/rain sensor
was triggered. The ventilation function is then blocked and the vents/windows
are moved into the "Close" position (see also: PC configuration software).
Vent module for 3 groups LM3G