Technical background
The philosophy behind NeuLog's plug and play
technology is based on each sensor's ability to store its
own data due to an internal flash memory chip and
micro-controller in each plastic NeuLog body. This
technology allows the sensor to collect and then store
the digital data in the correct scientific units (for
F, Lux, %, ppm).
The sensor is pre-calibrated at the factory. The built-in
software in the logger can be upgraded for free at any
time using the provided firmware update.
The GSR sensor uses an internal very high impedance
differential operational amplifier to convert micro
changes in the skins resistance and conductivity into
measurable voltage. This voltage is sampled by the
sensor's controller.
When a stimulus is sensed, the sympathetic nervous
system reacts causing many physiological changes
including releasing miniscule amounts of sweat from
sweat glands. These small changes of the skin's
moisture change the skin and tissue conductance,
which is measured by the sensor.
Experiments may be designed with a 12-15 second
interval between stimuli. A response (a peak) can be
detected between 0.8-4 seconds after the stimulus.