No Captioning
Is the program
you are watching
A Black box appears on the screen
Change Channels
My remote control will not operate my Television
Be sure to point
the remote control
at the TV.
Cannot select or scan some channels
Press the RESET
key twice (person-
alized settings will
be reset to factory
The cabinet makes a popping sound
This is a normal condition during the warm-up and cool down of the plastic cabinet parts.
The surface of the cabinet can be damaged if not properly maintained. Many common household aerosol sprays, cleaning
agents, solvents and polishes will cause permanent damage to the fine surface.
1. Unplug the power cord before cleaning the television.
2. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
Note: Never spray liquids on the screen because they can run down and drip onto
the chassis. This may cause component failure not covered under Warranty.
Yes. Set captioning on. Press the Caption key then press the 0 key to highlight Caption1.
No. Tune to a channel that is broadcasting a closed-captioned program.
Did the black box disappear or disappear briefly then reappear?
Yes. TV station is broadcasting a Caption text signal without any textual data.
Press the RESET key twice (customized settings will be reset to factory defaults).
To retain customized settings, just turn captioning off (see page 10).
Does the remote control work now?
Yes. There may have been an object between the Remote and TV.
Replace the batteries or confirm that the batteries are properly installed.
Did the problem go away?
Yes. It may have been the channel scan memory or V-Guide settings.
This symbol on the nameplate means the product is Listed by Underwriters' Laboratories
Inc. It is designed and manufactured to meet rigid U.L. safety standards against risk of fire,
casualty and electrical hazards.