4) Scan/Lock Button
Scan : Press this button momentarily to start scanning
upward to catch any channels that are occupied by
To activate/deactivate the channel scan, press the Scan button
briefly. The Scan icon will appear when the channel scan is active.
Scanning will only stop when you deactivate the scan function.
Turn the channel selector counter-clockwise during scanning in
order to change the scanning direction.
The transceiver will scan through the whole transceiver channels. If
your transceiver detects a valid signal the scan will pause for the
period that has been set by the menu mode setting (continuously
receiving or 1-99 seconds for scan receive time and immediate
response or 1-99 seconds for scan delay time).
If you press the PTT button when your transceiver detects a signal,
the radio will transmit on the same channel. Scanning will resume
after the scan receive time and/or the scan delay time. Use the
channel selector or quick up/quick down selector
to resume scanning immediately.
If you press the PTT button during scanning, the radio will return to
your original channel. Scanning will resume after the scan receive
time and/or the scan delay time. Use the channel selector or quick
up/quick down selector to resume scanning immediately.
Lock : Press this button for more than 2 seconds to activate and
deactivate the keypad lock function. This function locks only the
channel selector, quick up/quick down buttons, scan button. Other
buttons and selectors work normal.
5) AM/FM and LCR Button
When the transceiver is used in UK, UE, or EC
freequency band modes this button activates or
deactivates Last Channel Recall function. In all other
modes (where national regulations permit this)
this button allows user to switch between AM and FM modes by
momentarily pressing this button.