> Where and how to use the accessories
The floor brush accessory can be used to clean all types of floors, either with steam alone or combined
steam/suction. It can also be used for large glass and mirrored surfaces. When the bristle piece is in the
forward position, you can even dissolve the dirt found on the corners of the skirting board. You can attach a
cloth to the clips and use it on parquet flooring, wood, marble, and even to remove or put down wax. You can
use the liquid suction function to clean up liquids accidentally spilled on the floor.
Può essere utilizzata per pulire tappeti, moquette. Le ruote agevolano lo scorrimento.
The fabric brush accessory can be used on all types of upholstery (curtains, sofas, armchairs, mattresses). The
bristle plate provides additional scrubbing action.
The glass wiper accessory can be used to clean glass, windows, and mirrors. Spray the steam to dampen the
surface and then go over it with the rubber glass-scraping blade. The suction function removes the steam and
loosened dirt.
The nozzle accessory can be used to clean sinks, bathrooms, kitchens, and furnishings, to remove dirt from
skirting boards, radiators, roller shutters and in all those places where the job requires a small cleaning head.
The suction part of the nozzle can be retracted when it is not needed. This allows you to attach various types
of small brushes to the nozzle. The transparent nozzle is ideal for cleaning small surfaces and English-style