CONTROL FORM 2: More functions
Tap the More button to operate additional functions
if it appears on the screen.
Note: Some air conditioner model don't have the more
Note: The appearance maybe different , some icons will
be hidden if the air conditional do no have this function
or do not enable on the current mode.
Tap the "
" to switch on/off the indoor LED display.
Tap the "
" to switch on/off the buzzing when
Buzze r
operating through Wi-Fi APP.
Tap the "
" button to activate the Anti-Mildew
function, if it is available on the screen.
After AC turning off , it will start drying , reduce residual
moisture and prevent mould, after function finish, it will
automatically turn off.
Tap the "
" button to switch on/off the healthy
function, if it is available on the screen.
It activate the antibacterial ioniser function.This function
only for models with the ioniser generator.
Tap the "
" button, if it is available on the screen.
GEN Mode
In this Mode, you can choose one of the three levels
of current. The air conditioner will maintain proper
current to save energy.
Tap the "Electricity Monitoring" button if it is
available on the screen. In this function, you can
monitor the air conditioner electricity consumption.
Tap the "
" button, if it is available on the screen.
Check the details of the Self-Cleaning function on
User Manual.
Tap the "
" button , if it is available on the screen.
8ºC Heat
This function help keep the room temperature over
8ºC. Check the details of the 8ºC Heat function on
User Manual.
10. Tap the "Reservation" button , if it is available
on the screen. You can set the time, repeat day,
temperature, mode, fan speed, air flow as you
desired and then tap Save to activate the function.
The air conditioner will automatically reach your
settings at the appointment time.
22 Acd18-kbtu/ Acd24-kbtu
Reservatio n
You can tap this button
to pop up the calender
then select the date.
Swing 25ºC,M.. .
After the reservat ion is set up, the air conditione r
will automati cally reach your set requireme nt at your
appointment time.