Back Can S/PMK 8/PMK 6/PMK 3
Optional Pre-Mount Kit Installation
The optional Pre-Mount Kits provide a circular surround for a strong mounting
surface for the clamping mechanism of the loudspeaker, and they make it easier
to install the drywall.
The PMK kits can be used with or without the back can.
Preparing the PMK Pre-Mount Kit
1. Each pre-mount kit consists of two mounting brackets, a circular frame, and
four small clips that help secure the brackets to the frame.
2. Attach the mounting brackets to the frame (Fig. 3).
3. Press the four clips in place, to hold the brackets in position.
Fig. 4. PMK assembly (PMK 3 shown)
Fig. 3. Installing the PMK brackets to the frame
Installing the PMK into the Back Can
The following procedure shows how to connect a PMK 6 to the back can. The
procedure is the same for the PMK 8. The PMK 3 is not used with the back can.
1. Hold the PMK 6 or PMK 8 assembly onto the back can, with the circular lip of
the frame pointing into the room (Fig. 5).
2. Make sure the PMK assembly is centered, plumb, and level. Secure it to the
back can with four screws, using the existing holes at the top and bottom of
the back can (Fig. 6).
3. When the drywall is fitted over the back can, a generous bead of fire-
retardant sealing mastic should be applied to the back can flanges in order
to seal the assembly and minimise the possibility of vibration when the
speaker is in use.
Fig. 6. Install the PMK 6 into the Back can
Quick Start Guide
Fig. 5 Front of the PMK is the side with the lip (PMK 6 shown)
sealing mastic
Fig. 7 Apply a generous amount of fire-retardant sealing
mastic over the back can flange area as shown.